yesterday i decided “i’m gonna quit smocking!”
i’m a one packet and half per day person and i smoke for 7 years,same brand “Lucky strike”
it’s realy hard,today i smocked 5 cigs hope tomorrow to be less …. :head_bang
wish me luck!
yes,tabbaco is fuckin drug and now i hate it,big time!:ar15:
Go for it mate – you will feel great about 3 weeks after you do so [lungs will have cleaned up by then and food will taste great]
nice one mate, good luck! raaa
im quitting at the mo, i no the pain man, i no the pain
good luck to you bro 🙂
Good luck :group_hug:group_hug
I’m suppose to stop too…just so damn hard :cry::cry::cry:
i’ve only been smoking 3 years and i’d find it solid to stop, i gotta lotta respect for people who can do it after loadsa years!
try your best to stay as healthy as possible because your more likely to catch chest infections when you quit smoking. something to with your lungs clearing out.
Av not smoked now for 6 years… I do get alot of chest infections tho, got one now :sick:
I used to chain smoke and found it difficult to cut down, esp when at a party or in a pub. Had to stop cos was getting ill, developed asthma too..
It is hard to quit but theres loads of advantages when u quit, like saving money, no nicotine stains on fingers…
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