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Forums Rave Party Reports So how was yours?

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  • A bit late I know, but may I wish you all peace , love and happiness for 2004. How did your start to the new year go? For me it was excellent. My friends and I put on a party, a good vibe, great crowd of people (the people make the party) and a lovely chilled out after party. I can’t think of a better start to the new year and hope that it sets the tone for the rest of the year. Any one else?

    I had a wkd NY party mate (see my thread TVP Report 05/01/04) to see what we got up to!

    Where was the party that you did?

    Mine was average unfortunatly.

    We arrived at a party held in the city by some friends and got there just in time to see the gear being taken out and the building surrounded by police and fire officials. Said hello to everyone and then decided to go back to a house party. Unfortunatly spent the actual 00.00 of 2004 sitting in a car.

    Still made as much as possible out of it though.

    doh! still at least no one was harmed. Sorry your night got pigged off and gear impounded.

    Gabba – Bitch check your pms

    If you can be arsed, there’s a 1000 word rant about my NYE somewhere! (Slammin’ FUCKING Vinyl) In a nutshell though;

    Slammin’ Vinyl; Cunts. Waste of Time, Effort, Money and drugs.

    Brains Kan; Fucking Beautiful. Spot on. Every time.

    Hey Biotech? I’m having probs with your site. Every time I log on, my explorer freezes up! Happens on fRiJ’s site as well, but no-where else. Is this just my computer?

    Had a wickid time at the wokingham party, just a shame we had to pack up and leave when our end got flooded :-/

    Binge – I did Slammin’ the year before last 4 new years eve –
    Over priced, the q to get in was taking the piss badly ( looked like a good 3 hours – although me an my mate blagged it coz we got our ticket late, and *had* to use the other q ! 😉 ), full of fuct kiddies on too many pills, puking everywhere… and the security was arse.

    I think that was the last big pay event I went to actually.

    I look forward to reading your essay when I have time !


    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Had a wickid time at the wokingham party, just a shame we had to pack up and leave when our end got flooded :-/

    Binge – I did Slammin’ the year before last 4 new years eve –
    Over priced, the q to get in was taking the piss badly ( looked like a good 3 hours – although me an my mate blagged it coz we got our ticket late, and *had* to use the other q ! 😉 ), full of fuct kiddies on too many pills, puking everywhere… and the security was arse.

    I think that was the last big pay event I went to actually.

    I look forward to reading your essay when I have time !


    Ooops this was me not logged in….


    I have no idea what the problem could be Binge mate. Do you mean the main site or the forum?

    Gabba_bitch and binge’s reports are here and here

    Personally I ended up at a squat party in Amsterdam and had a really good night.

    Happy new year everyone.

    Bio-tech- whole site mate. As soon as I log on, my explorer freezes up, have to ctrl-alt-del to restart. But its only happening with fRiJ’s and your own site. Am I the only one? i don’t think my comp’s fukd, but i’m not that hot on these matters!

    Anyway; Happy New Year everyone! Its all uphill from here. Can’t wait for the spring, and long, warm and fuzzy Sundays in the forest!

    Easy Now.

    Nobody else is having problems as far as i’m aware mate.

    Hmmm.. come to think of it. Mine and fRiJ’s sites are re-directed via maybe one of thier pop-ups is causing probs with your pc.

    Try using this link to the site instead >>

    Sorry to hi-jack the thread!!

    Carry on as usual. 🙂

    well, my NY was set to be a good ‘un, as I was going to do a live techno set at a night thrown by Shropshires Scaramanga Sound System in Wolverhampton. Unfortunately disaster struck as my sampler decided not to work at the last minute, so i couldnt play. I found out later that someone had spilt beer in it! Oh well, we live and learn, and a good night was had in the end. By the way if any party organisers here want a live techno act at any of their events any time, give me a bell. I can send a CD if required.

    Originally posted by Gabba_bitch
    I had a wkd NY party mate (see my thread TVP Report 05/01/04) to see what we got up to!

    Where was the party that you did?

    aye – ended up there 2 – was like a reunion of all the Reading / Thames valley crew plus all the new ppl whove joined since 2002

    according 2 the wokingham times we’re badder than a killer bull terrier (originally had top spot on their internet site but the mutts been knocked back by the party report!)






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Forums Rave Party Reports So how was yours?