With some kind of massive mega-phone type device i presume:weee:
Well you know string and plastic cups lol
brrr its fuckin freezin here! snow n hail n rain by the bucketload
Sun! We had bloody sunny weather! :hopeless:
Same as that, fooking lovely day! had me shades on and everything!:love:
I got so wet on my way home i swear it started raining harder when i got out the office
it was beautiful this morning all nice and sunny, dont know whats happening oiutside just got up and too cold to look
i know was a lovely crisp morning
we were ment to get a little bit of snow in the east……………….but NOOOOO none so far, all the scots got it instead =( hope there having fun making igloos!!
it is snowing in stratton snow all over me fellas car and the garage.
Yesterday we had slushy sleety snow, heavy rain, hail stones and gale force wind all at one, only just got back over the forth rail bridge when coming home from work.
Bastard road works mean all bus stops near the railway station are closed in Edinburgh so had to keep running into shops every 50 yards so as not to get frost bite and this was in full winter gear.
Was fortunatly able to indulge in some retail therapy at the same time
Got a lift to the supermarket from my mate later and the car door got caught by the wind as I was getting out and blew straight into my face so am now sporting a spectacular black eye. Helping my mate by covering a shift in her pub tomorrow and I know no one will beleive that banged my face off a door so think the hubbie will be quized about this one.
there’s about an inch on the moor (9 miles from here)
but is just cold here
4 years ago we went snow boarding on the moor
lucky bastards.
no snow. its fucking february and eighty fuckin degrees outside.
fuckflorida. sandypalmtreehell.
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