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Pikey Gets Done!

Forums Life Jokes & Humour Pikey Gets Done!

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  • shoulda got out the marker pens lol

    Good fukin effort man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’ll learn the pikey twat anyway!!!

    jackie wrote:
    what do u call a pikey:idea: as i was under the impression that most fellas and birds who wear baseball caps wer drumanbass heads and that a pikey is actually just another word for gypise or travellers as no u wouldent like them cose ther mug all your drugs and money but most peole like yourself whom had a cap no as like the fella on the floor id say he has a cap on too soo dose that make u as bad as him????? also i think it was a bad move to give a drunk person ketamin as u could of killed him because u dont mix ket and drink as ther both knock out drugs really if u have too much ur k hole and can die so be safe and sensible as i think its just one of your mates but i wouldent say he was a pikey maybe in your town thats wat u call em but wer i live gypsies ar good honiste people its wannabe gypsie that make it bad for the real ones thanks for your time off reading my opinion

    Hmmm Dunno what most people call a pikey… but I have seen the meaning change in the last 5 yrs or so. It used to be used to describe a gypsy type traveller as opposed to Hippy type… Sort of another word for ‘Did’.

    Recently it has been taken up by free party crews to mean a fair few different things!

    I have lived on site for about 12 years, and up til about 5 or 6 yrs ago it used to be used to describe gypsy types (I have been on REAL gypsy sites before now (brief visit !!!) and believe me it IS like snatch!!! – Even got offered a bit of the cow they work cooking… last of the one they had nicked… lol!

    d.r.e.a.m wrote:
    well said i class myself as a new age traveler an whats rong with a bit of hare coursing??:groucho:

    personally i dont like it when the big rabbit gets fucked! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :annoyed:


    dont u know bump it up, you got 2 bump it up

    This clip still cracks me up…


    Edinburgh Jakey



    Ketamine Trip put a silly background tune on this and youve got a belter.

    hahahahah… really funny great video..

    Another epic thread! lol






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Forums Life Jokes & Humour Pikey Gets Done!