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stupid shit ipods!

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology stupid shit ipods!

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  • i deleted facebook today, i hate that piece of shit.

    @DaftFader 369578 wrote:

    i-phones ftl … there are so many better phones in the same class made by other people …

    Rubbish. I’ve yet to find a better phone.

    The inability to bluetooth is the only fudamental flaw. The rest I can live with.

    @BioTech 369600 wrote:

    Rubbish. I’ve yet to find a better phone.

    The inability to bluetooth is the only fudamental flaw. The rest I can live with.

    Damn straight! I ain’t that bothered about the bluetooth issue either, You can still use a bluetooth headset though. 😉

    i’d rather wait for a couple of years before bothering with these fancy phones. firstly iphones seem to have been made to break!! cos everyone i know whos had one their’s has broken, some peoples multiple times. the price is also very high at the moment and i’d rather get something that isn’t Apple thank you very much 😉

    Apple ftw.

    Apple’s are for eating

    @p0ly 369603 wrote:

    firstly iphones seem to have been made to break!! cos everyone i know whos had one their’s has broken

    I must be one of the lucky ones then. I’ve had mine about 16 months.

    I don’t really know a lot about the politics and how shit apple are or aren’t, but I know that usually I’m itching for a new phone after 6 months of having one (yes it’s a bit sad I know, I’ve fallen foul of the consumer driven madness of modern day life when it comes to mobile technology) but I’d be happy to keep this phone for another couple of years at this rate unless they bring out another iphone that surpasses it (the 3gS isn’t enough of a step up).

    On a different note (portable music related), I found one of my old giant walkmans when I was in the loft yesterday and my niece and nephew had no idea what it was. Only felt like yesterday that I was walking everywhere with it.

    @BioTech 369608 wrote:

    I must be one of the lucky ones then. I’ve had mine about 16 months.

    I havent heard any complaints from people I know who own iPhones about their reliability. One of these was from launch day..

    I bought my brothers old Iphone (3G) off him and it’s been dropped, the original buttons have fallen off, it’s scratched to fuck and it still works just fine!

    Also i don’t get this hatred some people have for Apple? I think they make some banging products!!

    mac computers just don’t do it for me, then there is Ipods which are just plain crap in my opinion.

    Have you got an Ipod and or a actual reason for your dislike of em?

    I’ve got one and think it’s pretty damn cool. hasn’t failed me yet and i’ve had it for about 2 years now.

    I’m with you on Macs though, they don’t interest me either.

    yes i do have an ipod, it’s broken… i got it for free thats why i have it, i’d never pay their stupid rip off price for an mp3 player which is inferior to others with annoying copyright crap. alot of people see them as a fashionable item

    I see em as a decent product. never had any problems with em tbh and i like the set up that comes with an Ipod, Itunes is pretty damn cool for holding all me music and i like that very much!!

    I can see where you’re coming from though. :o)

    i dislike itunes as i find it a slow programme, ALOT slower than folder drag and drop.

    i have all my music in genre folders, sorted it all out awhile back.

    @p0ly 369633 wrote:

    mac computers just don’t do it for me, then there is Ipods which are just plain crap in my opinion.

    I have never found problems with Apple products, I have never bought anything made by them. I had an iPod which broke after being submerged in beer for a night at a festival. I wouldnt blame that on build quality, I also had an iPod suffle which I gave away and still works fine.

    But I know people who use iPhones, iPods and Macs all the time and have done for years without any major problems. The Mac computers seem to work a fuck loads better than any Windows PC I have ever used, if I had the money I would probably use a Mac instead of a PC.

    Why are the reasons for your opinion on iPods being crap? Yeah there is the copy right issues but I never found them to be that much of a hardship for a product that works pretty well and is pretty dam intuitive to use. Use google for a couple of minutes and you will find ways to solve your problems… this investigation never bothered me as I enjoyed working out how to get round protection on hardware (only following online guides)






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology stupid shit ipods!