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stupid shit ipods!

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology stupid shit ipods!

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  • my dislike for ipods. price, much more than better mp3s in my opinion. the scroll thing on it i dislike aswell, itunes just so damn slow and doesn’t want to sync with anything unless u delete your library/u cannot remove music, where as if my 30gb creative zen vision w was still with me (i threw it at a wall…. long story) i could just go plug it in at a friends house and unload my whole library nice n simple drag and drop into folders.

    my house has two mac computers and one macbook pro, i have used them loads…. i do not like them. like yes macs seem to not get viruses but they don’t seem to be able to run loads of stuff i wish to download off the internet, everything is made for PC!!

    @p0ly 369662 wrote:

    my dislike for ipods. price, much more than better mp3s in my opinion. the scroll thing on it i dislike aswell, itunes just so damn slow and doesn’t want to sync with anything unless u delete your library/u cannot remove music, where as if my 30gb creative zen vision w was still with me (i threw it at a wall…. long story) i could just go plug it in at a friends house and unload my whole library nice n simple drag and drop into folders.

    my house has two mac computers and one macbook pro, i have used them loads…. i do not like them. like yes macs seem to not get viruses but they don’t seem to be able to run loads of stuff i wish to download off the internet, everything is made for PC!!

    Ah I only ever encountered the issues with iTunes the first time I loaded all my tracks to the iPod, then the odd few songs added never seemed too much of a hardship.

    When I lived with my olds and use a Mac more than my PC I only encountered problems with software if it was something specialist (breaking firmwares on phones, consoles and other things like that) if it was word processing, internet browsing, emails, burning CD’s or the other stuff I would generally use a computer for there has always been software available for Mac’s or Linux that worked as well as what was offered on Windows.

    Things like updating the operating system to the latest version was simple, buy a very cheap DVD, stick in disc drive and let it do its business. come back 1/2 hour or so and it was done… Windows involved sitting choosing options and wasting a hour or so in the process.

    Whether using a Mac, Windows machine or Linux I have found them all pretty easy to use. Linux can be a bastard sometimes until its running properly, Windows is just odd with its issues, but Mac’s seem to work with any product designed for them.

    They seem generally better thought out products… If I had the extra spare cash my money would go on a Mac.

    Not used it but isnt there something called bootcamp or similar that lets you run windows on similar systems?

    There was MS Office on the last Mac I was using and the updates for it were horrendous, the on average they were bigger than an operating system update (changing version not security updates).

    BTW I dont own a Mac or a Windows machince

    i don’t think macs are bad, they are just not for moi.

    @p0ly 369639 wrote:

    yes i do have an ipod, it’s broken… i got it for free thats why i have it, i’d never pay their stupid rip off price for an mp3 player which is inferior to others with annoying copyright crap. alot of people see them as a fashionable item

    I’m with you on that one. There are much better Mp3 players out there who’s developers don’t have such draconian views towards innocent file sharing.

    apple = the devil!

    @p0ly 369639 wrote:

    yes i do have an ipod, it’s broken… i got it for free thats why i have it, i’d never pay their stupid rip off price for an mp3 player which is inferior to others with annoying copyright crap. alot of people see them as a fashionable item

    you need to remember that there are reasons for the prevention of file sharing on the system other than the lawful side of it. ipods are a slightly different concept to the majority of generic mp3s. ipods are a personal music device – nothing more nothing less, and they dont try to be. the use of itunes allows you to stay free of rogue files that may harm the device, improving security. its a playback device, not a recording / storage device – thats what the computers for. though if your against itunes, other gateways to using the ipod are open… infact with most ipods, (excluding iphone&itouch due to using a different storage format), you are able to enable a mode where the device does show up in my computer and you can drag & drop files. apple doesnt completely enforce a autocratic policy over their devices, or they would probably have been bummed by the law by now.

    @DaftFader 369698 wrote:

    apple = the devil!

    The devil has nice things. What’s heaven and god got, A few fluffy clouds, whoopee………… :crazy_dru

    @DaftFader 369698 wrote:

    apple = the devil!

    apple is owned by microsoft.

    And Microsoft make 360s, Result!!

    @joshd96320 369701 wrote:

    you need to remember that there are reasons for the prevention of file sharing on the system other than the lawful side of it. ipods are a slightly different concept to the majority of generic mp3s. ipods are a personal music device – nothing more nothing less, and they dont try to be. the use of itunes allows you to stay free of rogue files that may harm the device, improving security. its a playback device, not a recording / storage device – thats what the computers for. though if your against itunes, other gateways to using the ipod are open… infact with most ipods, (excluding iphone&itouch due to using a different storage format), you are able to enable a mode where the device does show up in my computer and you can drag & drop files. apple doesnt completely enforce a autocratic policy over their devices, or they would probably have been bummed by the law by now.

    i know what ipods are, poor for the price.

    @Buzz 369720 wrote:

    apple is owned by microsoft.


    @p0ly 369898 wrote:

    i know what ipods are, poor for the price.

    id pay it

    mines got a tb303 + tr808 emulator;)

    josh and his flashy gadgets, i never had all that stuff when i was 16!!

    @p0ly 370019 wrote:

    josh and his flashy gadgets, i never had all that stuff when i was 16!!

    Nah mate same as that. I had hand me downs. I’m making up for it now though! :love:






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology stupid shit ipods!