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Sun buys mysql

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Sun buys mysql

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  • I think this is one of the main bits of open source software many forums (and loads of other things to do with the internet) run on..for non techies this is the database software that the regularly changing data of a site (such as this message)

    wonder what (if any) effect it will have on this open source project?

    thats shit, mysql was brilliant and open-source software is always a good idea

    i used to do a lot of PHP and the 2 intergrated perfectly

    aint done any of that for about 2-3 years tho

    This is big news. SUN have got a definate idea of where they’re going with this and other moves they’ve made recently…

    I can see why they are doing this, as I can remember when Sun (680×0 based?) servers running Solaris were the market leaders in the 90s (and those coding apps for Solaris presumably would have to pay licensing fees)

    a lot of that share has been taken away by intel-based boxes running various
    forms of Linux and open source software..

    it may not be so bad as Sun already own Java and that isn’t doing too badly.

    Better than Oracle (spit) buying MySql anyway..






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Sun buys mysql