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  • I’m pretty much covered in tattoos but I want a new one & a cover up of an old one so gettin a new un tommorrow. I love tattoos :weee::weee:


      well it is body paint..but :weee:


      am also wanting to get a tattoo, gonna start designing one i think, prefer something individual

      most of mine are one offs designed by me sen, apart from a couple of celtic bands. the one i’m avin on monday is a cover up of an old skinhead tattoo from when I was 16. its a buddhist god on a dragon going from my fore arm to upper arm.

      MrAHC wrote:
      most of mine are one offs designed by me sen, apart from a couple of celtic bands. the one i’m avin on monday is a cover up of an old skinhead tattoo from when I was 16. its a buddhist god on a dragon going from my fore arm to upper arm.

      sounds good

      Dorjie Shugden the vengfull Buddha. Worshiped by the NKT (shugden) Buddhists who are condemed by the Dali Lama…

      I did some antiques work for a NKT temple a couple of years ago and donated them a painting of a medicine Buddah & got a picture of Dorjie Shugden in return.


      Makes for a good tattoo though.

      MrAHC wrote:
      Dorjie Shugden the vengfull Buddha. Worshiped by the NKT (shugden) Buddhists who are condemed by the Dali Lama…

      I did some antiques work for a NKT temple a couple of years ago and donated them a painting of a medicine Buddah & got a picture of Dorjie Shugden in return.


      Makes for a good tattoo though.

      aye thats reyt good

      MrAHC wrote:
      Dorjie Shugden the vengfull Buddha. Worshiped by the NKT (shugden) Buddhists who are condemed by the Dali Lama…

      I did some antiques work for a NKT temple a couple of years ago and donated them a painting of a medicine Buddah & got a picture of Dorjie Shugden in return.


      Makes for a good tattoo though.

      Thats phat man! I’d love to see that as a tattoo!! raaa

      be done tommorow

      Cool man. 😉

      That will be ace!

      How big are you having it and where?

      I want a tattoo. A shoulder/arm/chest one, but I think I need to get something smaller first, to see if I like having one.

      Post pics when you get it mate!

      Dom_sufc wrote:
      That will be ace!

      How big are you having it and where?

      I want a tattoo. A shoulder/arm/chest one, but I think I need to get something smaller first, to see if I like having one.

      Post pics when you get it mate!

      about a foot high to try complete my sleave

      gona be a 4 hour job so an afternoon of pai n :laugh_at:

      my friend has just got back from thailand.. with a tattoo that was done with bamboo.. anyone know of any studios in south england that use bamboo? or would you have to find a specialist who would do it from home?

      smokeitup wrote:
      my friend has just got back from thailand.. with a tattoo that was done with bamboo.. anyone know of any studios in south england that use bamboo? or would you have to find a specialist who would do it from home?

      Sounds crude, and painful! Would be interesting to know what they do with the bamboo though.

      Ok, so I looked it up, people say It was gentle and alot better than the machine way.

      Check this testimonial:

      I have just had a bamboo tattoo done by Keng of two lilies on the side of my foot. The bamboo method was amazing it was so gentle, there was no blood and it hurt much less than the machine. Keng designed it himself and its absolutly beautiful, he’s done such a good job! Keng and Lauren both made me feel really at ease as i was quite nervous!!! I would definatly recommend a bamboo tattoo from Keng to anyone! thank you!






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    Forums Life Body Art Tattoo