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Forums Life Body Art Tattoos!?

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      I have 3 them and have never regretted getting them

      Want this one,made it myself

      Thats quality Angel! looks really good. What do your other ones look like? ive recently thought about getting tats, but i only want to get them if they mean something or look really slick like. Id have to get someone to design one for me tho as i wouldnt want anyone else having the same one. Ive always thought that when i go travelling id get a different tat in the different places id visited so there would be a story behind each one… not been travelling yet tho… 🙁


        Don’t have pics of the others..

        Have a parrot on my shoulder

        A paradise bird on my ankle and a name too,I regret the name a bit..

        Guess I just have to find a BF called the same :laugh_at:

        DJCliffy;235586 wrote:
        These are the two designs i like the most. Not sure which one yet tho! Might get both of em! 😉

        bottom one!!!

        the tiger looks better than the top one which looks like the artist couldn’t decide whether its a leopard or a overweight lioness.

        what sort of muppets are working in tattoo parlours telling their customers that these are Japanese tigers? There aren’t any tigers in Japan other than in zoos.

        They have never been native animals of Japan – it is separated from most of East and SE Asia by a lot of ocean, its would be a long way for them to swim in water which isn’t that warm despite the region, and all cats are lazy and don’t like cold (this is how they keep the tigers in the “cageless” enclosure at Singapore zoo, it is surrounded by a moat of freezing cold water!)

        Whatever you do don’t get “Chinese” character tattoos from people like that, unless you want “Chicken Chow Mein” tattooed across your body for life.

          General Lighting;235634 wrote:
          Whatever you do don’t get “Chinese” character tattoos from people like that, unless you want “Chicken Chow Mein” tattooed across your body for life.

          LMAO :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:

          personally im not too keen on the whole animal tat thing, much prefer the tribal designs if i was gonna get one…

          DJCliffy;235120 wrote:
          Haha popeye, sounds like it would look really gay on me! :laugh_at:

          ahahahahhahahahaha … you would look so fucking funny in your navy uniform with a popeye tat on your arm aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahaha :laugh_at:

          Angel;235625 wrote:
          Don’t have pics of the others..

          Have a parrot on my shoulder

          A paradise bird on my ankle and a name too,I regret the name a bit..

          Guess I just have to find a BF called the same :laugh_at:

          i might get loads of random populer girls names tattoed on diferant parts of my body .. and use it as a chat up line .. “whats your name?” … “lousie” .. “ah i have you name tattoed on my left toe :D”

          or i can pretend i have been married 300 times b4 lol

          pixiegirl;235622 wrote:
          Where are you getting it done?

          Well now that is the question. My cousins mate has a tattooist who he swears by. this guy is so good that theres a two month waiting list, Me cuz’s mate has said he’ll take me up to the blokes tattoo parlour for a chat in a couple weeks time. Can’t wait now!

          Also i’m gonna have the bottom tatt from me chosen two! :love:

          DaftFader;235648 wrote:
          i might get loads of random populer girls names tattoed on diferant parts of my body .. and use it as a chat up line .. “whats your name?” … “lousie” .. “ah i have you name tattoed on my left toe :D”

          or i can pretend i have been married 300 times b4 lol

          I knew a 24 yr old lad who was doing some plastering for me,
          he had his top off and has 3 huge tat’s of different girls names,

          I asked him if he was a either a ‘hopeless romantic or rather stupid’

          and found out their all his daughters names (not girlfriends as I’d thought – I was then shown his 2 boys names)

          busy boy :laugh_at:

          Tank Girl;235703 wrote:
          I knew a 24 yr old lad who was doing some plastering for me,
          he had his top off and has 3 huge tat’s of different girls names,

          I asked him if he was a either a ‘hopeless romantic or rather stupid’

          and found out their all his daughters names (not girlfriends as I’d thought – I was then shown his 2 boys names)

          busy boy :laugh_at:


          DJCliffy;235665 wrote:
          two month waiting list


          I have a fair ammount of this guys work,and am damn pleased that i have,if only he had only a 2 month waiting list,life would be sweet lol


          Shit Robot;235824 wrote:
          I have a fair ammount of this guys work,and am damn pleased that i have,if only he had only a 2 month waiting list,life would be sweet lol


          Mate had a look and theres some quality tatts on there!! Where is he based? 😉






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        Forums Life Body Art Tattoos!?