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        do u remember these pager?[ATTACH=CONFIG]155241[/ATTACH]

        do u think they can be usedstill

        @General Lighting 982422 wrote:

        around the same era my mates had somehow managed to get NTL to connect up broadband to a squat (!)

        they still just provided the Motorola modem and a poor software firewall so along with this goth hacker dude I built a router from this battered old PC (the case was half open as it had been salvaged from a skip) – we would often teach middle class hippies about cybersecurity by connecting up the monitoring software (not sure if it was called Wireshark back then) it did the same thing and showing them what goes back and forth through the network (including passwords and all sorts that were still sent in plain text).

        However even then this is a lot of data and unless you know what you are looking for it is easy to get excessively paranoid from data traffic that is sent simply to keep networks operating correctly and this wouldn’t unearth other methods of surveillance.

        It is true nothing is secure today but that is also the case for cops/feds.

        Although (like many other places in Europe) it is no longer possible to listen to their comms directly on a radio scanner but the digital encrypted radios (and the base stations they connect to) give off a unique pattern of signals that even very basic equipment can detect within a range of 100m (possibly more depending on terrain).

        OK the signal could equally be transmitted by a cop, ambulance worker or the council park ranger or dog warden but it is at least possible to know that some kind of public service worker is in your neighbourhood even if you cannot see them.

        The small blue NTL modems?


          @General Lighting 982422 wrote:

          around the same era my mates had somehow managed to get NTL to connect up broadband to a squat (!)

          they still just provided the Motorola modem and a poor software firewall so along with this goth hacker dude I built a router from this battered old PC (the case was half open as it had been salvaged from a skip) – we would often teach middle class hippies about cybersecurity by connecting up the monitoring software (not sure if it was called Wireshark back then) it did the same thing and showing them what goes back and forth through the network (including passwords and all sorts that were still sent in plain text).

          However even then this is a lot of data and unless you know what you are looking for it is easy to get excessively paranoid from data traffic that is sent simply to keep networks operating correctly and this wouldn’t unearth other methods of surveillance.

          It is true nothing is secure today but that is also the case for cops/feds.

          Although (like many other places in Europe) it is no longer possible to listen to their comms directly on a radio scanner but the digital encrypted radios (and the base stations they connect to) give off a unique pattern of signals that even very basic equipment can detect within a range of 100m (possibly more depending on terrain).

          OK the signal could equally be transmitted by a cop, ambulance worker or the council park ranger or dog warden but it is at least possible to know that some kind of public service worker is in your neighbourhood even if you cannot see them.

          autour de la même époque mes camarades avaient réussi à obtenir NTL pour connecter le haut débit à un squat (!)

          ils ont encore tout à condition que le modem Motorola et un pare-feu logiciel pauvre pour le long avec ce pirate mec goth j’ai construit un routeur de ce vieux PC cabossé (le cas était à moitié ouverte comme il avait été récupéré dans une benne) – nous souvent enseigner la classe moyenne hippies environ la cybersécurité en connectant le logiciel de surveillance (ne sais pas s’il a été appelé Wireshark à l’époque), il fait la même chose et en leur montrant ce qui va et vient à travers le réseau (y compris les mots de passe et toutes sortes qui étaient encore envoyés en texte clair) .

          Cependant, même alors c’est un grand nombre de données et si vous savez ce que vous cherchez, il est facile d’obtenir trop paranoïaque du trafic de données qui est envoyé simplement pour maintenir les réseaux d’exploitation correctement et ce ne serait pas déterrer d’autres méthodes de surveillance.

          Il est vrai que rien n’est sûr aujourd’hui, mais qui est aussi le cas pour les flics / fédéraux.

          Bien que (comme beaucoup d’autres endroits en Europe), il est plus possible d’écouter leurs comms directement sur un scanner radio, mais les radios cryptées numériques (et les stations de base, ils se connectent à) dégagent un modèle unique de signaux que même l’équipement très basique peut détecter dans une plage de 100 m (voire plus en fonction du terrain).

          OK le signal pourrait également être transmis par un policier, ambulancier ou le parc du conseil ranger ou chien garde, mais il est au moins possible de savoir que certains types de travailleurs de la fonction publique est dans votre quartier, même si vous ne pouvez pas les voir.

          did u take english lesson, google could translater good enough to understand what was first looking chinese to me


            @iliesse 982427 wrote:

            do u remember these pager?[ATTACH=CONFIG]155241[/ATTACH]

            do u think they can be usedstill

            can a pager still be used now a days?


              i was using this pager 1995, the battery is still working, crazy

              Wow, archeology in action lol.


                i dont know if energizer was already existing in 1995, but i dont think i touch it since 1995
                if i could use this thing it would the most secure i think

                Provably secure so far are one time pads and I think some quantum algorithms which obvious can’t even be ran in a lab never mind in your house. That’s it.


                  @tryptameanie 982432 wrote:

                  Wow, archeology in action lol.


                  a new particules detected last november in geneva, particules X


                    lhc at maximal energy found a new particules, did u hear about that???

                    @iliesse 982427 wrote:

                    do u remember these pager?[ATTACH=CONFIG]155241[/ATTACH]

                    do u think they can be used still

                    in UK and NL emergency services and other workers (such as IT staff) still use them on national networks [usually VHF frequency] and others on UHF frequency are still used for on site systems (such as in hospitals, nursing homes); they are more reliable than GSM or smartphones.

                    it is possible to transmit signals to them using relatively cheap equipment although in CH Ofcom/Bakom are stricter than elsewhere in Europe (and Swissphone still run a national network) – you are likely to get in trouble if you are transmitting on a frequency allocated to national networks or other licensed users – although if you can retune them to a frequency that does not require a license it is permitted to set up small scale pager networks. They aren’t very secure as anyone with a €20 USB stick and the right software can intercept the messages.

                    O’d love to live in Switzerland. The fact CERN is there makes me extra jealous. Michelle roux lives there as well, the fondue must be excellent.

                    @tryptameanie 982434 wrote:

                    Provably secure so far are one time pads and I think some quantum algorithms which obvious can’t even be ran in a lab never mind in your house. That’s it.

                    @iliesse 982433 wrote:

                    i dont know if energizer was already existing in 1995, but i dont think i touch it since 1995
                    if i could use this thing it would the most secure i think

                    you would need to encrypt the message first with a one time pad and then send it as the groups of numbers/letters (decrypting it at the other end) As the message length can be as little as 40 characters it could take a long time..






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                  Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology The Computer Hardware Chart: Can You Identify Your PC’s Parts?