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the pill…

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  • i took 2 pills that had a 521 on it…what would that mean? btw id ont know what it was, it was a round white pill,it was a perscription for my friend, and they are like relaxer type pills, but would the 521 mean milligrams? isnt that a lot? btw i have also been drinking gatoraid with it, is that ok?

    why dont you ask your freind whose scrip it was, i doubt we are gonna be able to guess from your description. i dont know any pharmacologists that post here. i would be worried, personally if i was taking pharmaceutical drugs which i didn’t identify – they could have been anything.

    look after your brain, and it will look after you.

    please be careful – a lot of young people are being prescribed anti-depressants nowadays and these can have adverse effects if you take them with other drugs or even the wrong kind of food. Other pharmaceutical drugs can even cause other serious medical problems if taken by people for whom they have not been prescribed.

    next time you do this, before you take anything look at the whole packet and put the name of the drug into Google. If there is more than one name try all of them, as many prescription drugs have a commercial name for an individual maker and a generic name (which is based on the chemicals used to make the drug).

    You will usually end up being able to find a number of sites with info about the drug – which will show (along with a description of the tablets) the following

    Indications – what the drug is prescribed for
    Recommended dose
    Contra-Indications – when a patient should not take the drug
    Side-Effects – medical problems which could be caused by taking the drug

    These sites are intended for medical professionals so some of this info will be in medical jargon. You can look this up as well and its your decision in the end whether to take this drug – but if you don’t understand all of it its probably best not to take the risk!

    Whatever happens check the substance first before you take it. Otherwise there may not be a next time…

    BTW what is gatorade? We don’t get it here in England…

    gatorade is like lucezade but tastes much worse and more watery. “sports drink”

    oh ok thats cool, thanks for helping out guys! and gatorade is a sports drink, its good lol






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