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The “Queen of Consciousness” Driving Psychedelic Study and Advocacy

Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests The “Queen of Consciousness” Driving Psychedelic Study and Advocacy

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  • Acid really seems like a gift from god as far as manmade chemicals are concerned, as does MDMA to an extent. We’ll keep trying but I doubt we’ll find anything better.

    If they do find another compound with the same effects as MDMA it seems clear that it won’t have a structure like MDMA, hundreds of substituted versions of MDMA have been tried and whilst almost all are active, they are not so similar in activity.

    Yeah I was thinking they’ll need to move away from the structure tweaks and go for something totally different but that’d take making a whole new class of chemicals.

    Well Nichols tried that with the aminodines and most of them were totally inactive. MDAI was the best of them but not easy to synthesise so was almost never on the market. Others like 2-AI, 5-IAI and several others were fucking garbage. MDAI also needed a stimulant adding for optimum effects.

    Well maybe we have all we need.

    Yeah I think so.






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests The “Queen of Consciousness” Driving Psychedelic Study and Advocacy