haha I like !!!!
i got stung three times when a wasp crawled up my trouser leg
was sitting having dinner and got this awful burning feeling then again then again ! ! !
couldn’t understand what was happening. jumped outta my trousers and there was a sodding wasp crawling round!
god it hurt, i cried my eyes out :cry::cry::cry:, leg swelled up really bad an i was ill :sick::sick::sick:
nasty little fuckers (sorry not very karmic but fuck em):ar15::ar15::ar15:
25 degrees this weekend!!! :bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl
fuckin ace! :bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl
yes this weather is stunning! Where am I? when am I? :crazy_diz
That’s the thing about living in this country days like this make our spirits soar. :angel_fly
When i lived in Spain months passed with out a cloud in the sky, i felt burnt out after a coupla years. 😎
My strange little soul needs clouds, not all the time but . . . :love:
It’s 28 degrees here that’s hotter than Brisbane, Cairo and Tel Aviv!
i absolutly fucking smashed a queen bee yesterday, and all its eggs went everywhere. disgusting. im terrified of bugs wasps anything that creeps. its one thing i hate about summer, i also hate sunburn in the summer, but i havent had any in years, as i have to wear my protective shellsuit (the eighties will live for ever) hahahahaha
all weather gear my friend! 😉 …
How do u post images and make them come up directly rather than attaching them?
when you post there is a little picture of a mountain above the window – if the picture is already online use that[paste in the full web address], otherwise upload it as an attachement and then use the little mountain window [paste in the name of the attachment]
Im definatly going to the next party dressed like this if anyone wants to join me. Safety first.
Cheers Raj!
Cheers Raj!
:laugh_at: Very fetching 😛
Im thinking of getting one made in camoflage, just so the bees cant spot me so easily.
I wouldn’t worry bout the bees mate, there aint any…
Yes, its lovely and warm (spring is the new summer!), and according to the Met Office, it’ll probly be the hottest year on record, so it should be free party a-go-go!:love:
and apparently we havent had an ‘average’ summer since the year 2000,
so, to sum up, all the omens are good, for plenty of summer, for at least the next 20 or 30 years!
nice frock Jed, it matches your eyes…:groucho:
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