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  • funfunfunfun is banned LOL. what do people do to get banned?

    they try and spam etc.

    like what?

    websites. People make crap posts just to get exposure for their website because this site is 13 years old and was one of the first rave/youth lifestyle forums on the internet.

    OK there’s a bit of a culture clash as people in Asia particularly are less shy about seeing every social gathering as an opportunity for private business (like the “you want DVD?” dude who turns up in some pubs)

    But some of us actually come from that part of the world (which is why I tend to spot these spammers fairly quickly) and being multicultural means making compromises to fit in within whatever community you want to be part of – it pisses me off more that folk take advantage of our friendliness to do this rather than even chat about the party scene in SE Asia (as there is one despite all the harsh drugs laws)

    ahhh. so that probably isnt even her picture? HA thats brilliant.

    so they were just trying to promote aload of over priced gadgets?

    a bit more subtle than that. there was a website in the profile – they weren’t trying to sell gadgets but picked ones people are interested in across the world, in the hope of starting a discussion which they repeatedly reply to and thus advertise their own website.

    ahhh i see, thanks for clearing that up..

    I got a Wii and an electronic razor, well chuffed.

    I was 90% sure this person was a scammer their posts are always exactly the same. The only people who post non-party related stuff in new threads are the odd sex forum people.

    Honeybear you are truly a moron though.

    You can think whatever you like, you upset me at the time.

    im over it. im over alot.

    You upset yourself

    I let myself get upset by something YOU said. So it’s not like a one way thing.

    like i said i realised this it just wasnt very nice at the time. but i thank you i really do!

    I can’t believe you got upset by a joke and couldn’t even see it, this is why you are a moron.

    Yes, ok! thankyou. i know the lesbian thing was a joke cos ur gender appears as female but the other thing upset me and i know it was stupid which i now realise but it still upset me and i cant help it! STOP SAYING MORON my mouth still works i will eat all of your flying saucers… :p

    It’s because you’re 24/7 paranoid






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Top 3 Gadgets Must Have For 2011