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UK : cops use spy drone (was Will they take up this idea?)

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology UK : cops use spy drone (was Will they take up this idea?)

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  • The UK’s first police remote control helicopter has taken off.

    Merseyside police are using the “spy drone”, fitted with CCTV cameras, mainly for tackling anti-social behaviour and public disorder. The machine is 1m wide, weighs less than a bag of sugar, and can record images from a height of 500m.

    Originally used by the military, it is due to be operational by June for a full three-month trial, which is the “first of its kind” in the UK. The drone will also be used for monitoring traffic congestion and investigations are to made into its possible role in firearms operations.
    The machines, which are flown by remote control or using pre-programmed GPS navigation systems, are silent and can be fitted with night-vision cameras.

    They images they record are sent back to a police support vehicle or control room. Merseyside’s assistant chief constable Simon Byrne said: “We’re always looking at ways of putting more officers on the streets, and maximising technology is a powerful way of achieving this. “Our drone will be used primarily to support our anti-social behaviour taskforce AXIS, in gathering all important evidence to put offenders before the courts.

    “For us, this is a cost-effective way of helping to catch criminals and supports similar technology we’re already using in our vans and helicopter.”
    The force has been assisted by the Police, Crime and Standards Directorate.

    Deputy director, Stephen Cahill, said: “We are pleased to support Merseyside Police in their efforts to reduce crime through the use of new technology. “This trial is the first of its kind in the country and we’re excited about its potential.”
    Could this be something that could be used to collect evidence at a party??

    Britain’s first remote control police aircraft, dubbed the “spy drone”, took to the skies today.The unmanned CCTV drone, which measures only a metre wide, is fitted with the latest in CCTV cameras and can record images from a height of 500m.
    It was originally designed for military reconnaissance but is being used in a trial by Merseyside police to monitor public disorder, large crowds and traffic congestion. The force will also be looking at how the drone could be used during firearms operations and in efforts to reduce anti-social behaviour.

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    The controversial new spy plane was launched a day after Ian Readhead, the deputy chief constable of Hampshire police, warned that Britain risked becoming a surveillance society.He said Britain faced an Orwellian style system of spying with cameras on every street corner.
    But police in Merseyside insisted that the drone did not represent the next phase in creating a Big Brother society.
    Assistant chief constable Simon Byrne said: “People clamour for the feeling of safety which cameras give. Our feedback from the public is anything we can do to fight crime is a good thing.
    “There are safeguards in place legally covering the use of CCTV and the higher the level of intrusion, the higher the level of authority needed within the police force to use it. So there is that balance there.”
    The miniature helicopter, classified as an unmanned aerial vehicle, is almost silent when in use and is fitted with night-vision cameras to enable operators to carry out surveillance after dark.
    It can be airborne in less than three minutes and the high-quality digital images it records can be instantly transmitted to a support vehicle or control room.
    Alistair Fox, from Stoke-on-Trent-based MW Power, which supplies the drone in the UK, said the device was not restricted by civil aviation requirements and could either be flown by remote control or by using pre-programmed GPS navigation systems.
    “It is much easier to control than an ordinary remote-controlled helicopter. It’s pretty much forward, back, left, right and record,” he said.
    “They are military derived and obviously I can’t talk too much about that particular use but they are essentially reconnaissance tools.
    “They have been used in Germany for eight years and we have been involved with them for about six months.”
    Police said the drone was expected to be fully operational next month and would be given a three-month trial.

    fair enough it can catch real criminals but is it me or is this taking the piss abit when it comes to our civil liberties?

    it could be a way to keep the farmers happy when a rave is held on their property.

    “we’ll have our party, and you can try out this new innovative method of clay-pigeon shooting”

    starlaugh wrote:
    Could this be something that could be used to collect evidence at a party??

    That’s exactly what i thought….quite worrying really…

    It could be used for urban parties or those in open fields – but in some rural areas I could see them having problems with keeping the radio signals going between the drone and the control unit.

    trees might block the control signal (they certainly block mobile phone and GPS signals), unless the cops with the control unit are close to the drone which kind of defeats the purpose of using it in the first place.

    ill ask a family friend … he’s the chief inspecter of the Mersey police

    it seems pretty bizarre way to deal with ‘anti-social behaviour’

    why not just send a cop if the law is being broken???

    we’ll need to be careful skinning up when we think no-one is looking from no on!

    maybe ravers should invest in something like this to tackle the situation.

    i can imagine people would be tempted to throw stuff like beer cans if it got to close anyway.

    Tek Offensive wrote:
    i can imagine people would be tempted to throw stuff like beer cans if it got to close anyway.

    500 metre range… you’d need some throw!

    Fucking hell lately there seems to be an incredable increase in the technology they are using to watch us!!! Obviously there are some good points, but i mean for fuck sake we wont be able to do anything soon BE CAREFUL BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!!!!!

    Ruff Beat Provider wrote:
    Fucking hell lately there seems to be an incredable increase in the technology they are using to watch us!!! Obviously there are some good points, but i mean for fuck sake we wont be able to do anything soon BE CAREFUL BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING!!!!!

    innit, scary shit or what :you_crazy

    3 words……metal……gear…..solid…….and geek

    what ever happens we will keep on partying even if there is two of us in a field partying to a radio…..fight……for ur right to …!

    as there are two threads on the same subject I’ve merged them.

    Could be fun at parties trying to shoot them down







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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology UK : cops use spy drone (was Will they take up this idea?)