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UK : East : Kid gets community service after LSD-induced lycanthropy

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs UK : East : Kid gets community service after LSD-induced lycanthropy

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  • @Moonie 411271 wrote:

    speaking in some sort of tongues!

    Two of my mates took loads pills one night and were both totaly off it … both started talking in toungs to each other and they both seemed to understand each other perfectly and have said afterwards they did. They allso at the time could not understand a word every one else was saing! :you_crazy Very strange night that was.

    Fucking bizzare! Makes you think about the things we don’t know…

    I spoke in tongues once after dropping a bomb and then falling asleep before I came up. apparently I just woke up speaking in tongues for about 10 mins then went back to sleep.

    Not the best way to waste a tenner haha.

    @Moonie 411341 wrote:

    I spoke in tongues once after dropping a bomb and then falling asleep before I came up. apparently I just woke up speaking in tongues for about 10 mins then went back to sleep.


    A friend of mine done that once for some reason … dropped a strong pill just b4 she went to sleep lol … slept right through the night as well iirc :laugh_at:

    If I take MDMA when I’m awake enough I’ll be up forever, but if I’m feeling a bit sleepy it basically has no effect and I just carry on as normal. Obviously I wasn’t expecting to nod off so suddenly, felt a bit cheated when I woke up:laugh_at:

    Just sounds like a made up Acid scare story to me , dont beieleve everything you read. In my opion the purpose of media is not to inform but to controll , influence and make u think u no wat is actually going on in the world.

    its a legitimate report of a case in Crown Court, there is no way a local paper would go to all the bother of fabricating that as it can be checked against other sources, and no way a family would want the shame of the report. The newspaper would get sued.

    TBH the exact combination of drugs he took isn’t even that relevant, he’s not even been punished for drug taking, he’s been punished for violence because of his own lack of self control and tried to use being high as an excuse. that lad is no better than them scrotes what tried to rob you in London, except this time he was brought to judgement and justice and given a fair penalty (normally people what attack coppers get sent down straight away!)

    It may of course have been other drugs as no drugs test was done on the defendant, but if anyone is spreading scare stories its then the fault of the lad and his defence solicitor, not the media, cops or anyone else.

    I know people who’ve got into similar Acid states. I’ve been in one but i’m not violent, only was towards my crappy old TV and 300 pound widescreen MP4 player. Complete ego loss from high dose cid + chronic sleep deprivation.

    Replace ‘acid’ with ‘alcohol’ and this wouldn’t be news-worthy in the slightest. :s

    @General Lighting 411361 wrote:

    that lad is no better than them scrotes what tried to rob you in London

    Hmm, really? I dunno… Sure, it’s his fault for taking the acid, but psychedelics can be very unpredictable drugs, and this could have been a completely isolated case in which the acid affected him in completely different way, causing him to be violent. I don’t think you can totally be to blame if you end up doing something bad while intoxicated on something that takes away the ego. It’s the same with people with severe mental disorders – are they really to blame if they go out and murder a load of people?

    @Kodama 411384 wrote:

    Hmm, really? I dunno… Sure, it’s his fault for taking the acid, but psychedelics can be very unpredictable drugs, and this could have been a completely isolated case in which the acid affected him in completely different way, causing him to be violent. I don’t think you can totally be to blame if you end up doing something bad while intoxicated on something that takes away the ego.

    I agree the same can happen with alcohol – but there is the option to stay sober.

    The UK drugs culture encouraged by the rave scene has been going on for 25 or so years now and there’s plenty of evidence that LSD can be risky, if the lad had sense he should have done it with friends, away from the family home. FFS Newmarket is not London, its surrounded by lots of quiet open spaces, OK a bit cold but that might also have encouraged him to keep his kit on when he went “off the lead” :laugh_at:

    It’s the same with people with severe mental disorders – are they really to blame if they go out and murder a load of people?

    not as much as they can’t help having the illness – a drug or alcohol user has the option not to partake – but there are still a lot of people who have less serious personality disorders but a bullying/controlling nature and play the “mental health” card, making things worse for people with genuine illness.

    well its always worth have a valium on stand by just in case the trip gets too much i always think

    Hahaha! Its funny how people just seem to change so much on drugs, I know this was Acid but I’ve never heard of something like that happening. Though I have heard pretty much the same story of somebody drinking & taking Valium… Sept he was a cow :laugh_at:

    @Moonie 411341 wrote:

    Fucking bizzare! Makes you think about the things we don’t know…

    I spoke in tongues once after dropping a bomb and then falling asleep before I came up. apparently I just woke up speaking in tongues for about 10 mins then went back to sleep.

    Not the best way to waste a tenner haha.

    this made me laugh : )






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs UK : East : Kid gets community service after LSD-induced lycanthropy