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UK : LDN(S) : Man pees on cop station front desk

Forums Life UK : LDN(S) : Man pees on cop station front desk

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  • Man pees on cop station front desk Dec 14 2005

    A MAN urinated on the front desk of Wimbledon police station after officers refused to let him sleep in the cells overnight.
    Justin Brown, 33, told desk staff he’d had a “bad day” and wanted to stay the night there.
    After he was repeatedly turned down he became agitated – pacing and clenching his fists.
    Brown, of Park Road, Banstead, asked if violence to the waiting room’s glass panels would earn him a night in the cells but eventually calmed down and asked to use the toilet.
    When this was refused he shouted and urinated on the desk.
    Brown was then arrested and taken to the cells on Monday last week.
    He told police he had downed 12 pints of beer, some wine plus a half-bottle of vodka and some gin.
    He pleaded guilty of disorderly conduct in Wimbledon Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday last week.
    Brown was fined £100 and ordered to pay £70 costs.
    He told The Post afterwards: “It was a oneoff.”
    He would not comment further.

    Takes the piss that does.

    (Yeah I know, that was really bad)






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Forums Life UK : LDN(S) : Man pees on cop station front desk