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  • you can get this also via the Internet (as an NTP service) to synchronise your computers (I need accurate time for both work and monitoring the radio stations) but I also use a standalone receiver as a double check in case there are network problems (lag and jitter delays the time signal).

    This is a demonstration of how the signal (transmitted on a low frequency of 60 Khz, just above audio) works – and what it sounds like if received on USB mode (like what is used to decode morse code).

    Note how the signal changes at the first second of a new minute, and the double pips (these are a binary code containing the date and other info like whether we are on GMT or BST)

    its an enhancement of an old-skool time signal orignally sent by the British Post Office but with digital encoding and error correction. A standalone receiver can check the time every minute (if the signal isn’t being swamped by interference), whereas most computer clients will do only every 10 minutes (NPL also don’t like it if you repeatedly cane their server).

    Computers are surprisingly bad at telling time – Even within 15 minutes this machine (a fairly powerful x64 machine with 8 gigs) drifted 451ms. So if they aren’t properly synchronised a PC can be wrong by several seconds within a few days, worse than a cheap china wristwatch. A second is a long period of time in broadcasting and telecommunications, especially if the signal you expected to be there isn’t present or mistimed!


    iT’S GONNA BLOW!!!

    Nah man wicked. I would love to have as many gadgets as you man. I would wake up in the mornings and be like… “what shall I play with today”

    the clock display needs more work though (there’s posts on it elsewhere), it picks up interference and does random things like set the display to Japanese. Arduinos aren’t that expensive and easy enough to use for someone just learning electronics, if you can write a basic computer program and wire up a sound system you should be able to do something interesting with them.

    Strangely enough I just dug out a link for a cheap multiband radio receiver which was on the other laptop as I had bookmarked it specifically thinking “the1log might like that2..

    PS: As for gadgets (including sound equipment), Biotech actually has way better kit than me, I remember him saying that he “only” has a Soundcraft M4 series production mixer and the rest of his sound equipment is in the DJ equipment thread and includes two of them really flash midi controllers (I didn’t realise he must have got digital kit years ago but has only recently moved off vinyl).

    A lot of my kit is at the budget end of things especially the computers, the only new one is the Zoostorm desktop, the other two are obsolete machines I got given but are fine for basic audio tasks. The bulk of the cool things are done in software and very basic hardware enhancements (like the auto muting switch)






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology UK : MSF national time signal