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UK : NI : Emergency Dept filled up with casualties from MTV "club event"

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  • Can’t understand why RUC^H^H^H PSNI and the local authorities allow events like this to be licensed – on the mainland the Councils would have insisted that they either held an over 18s only night time event with proper challenge 21/25 (they do this round here and I sometimes still get carded :laugh_at:) – or a daytime event for all ages….

    Dozens of young people attending an MTV concert in Londonderry had to be treated in hospital for assault or drug and alcohol-related conditions.

    Thirty people, some as young as 13, were brought to Altnagelvin A&E during and after Saturday’s Club MTV event at Ebrington Square.

    Some of those admitted needed intensive care treatment, Emergency Medical Consultant Paul Bayliss told the BBC.

    Resources at the department had been “stretched to their limits”, he added.

    Club MTV Londonderry concert: Dozens in hospital – BBC News

    Tragic but pretty typical for shows that aren’t 18 and up.

    I am sure the dynamic is different with the drinking age being 21 in America, so people between 18-21 get loaded before the show or sneak drugs into the venue because they can’t drink. Most any place from a dive bar to a premier venue is pretty good at spotting and confiscating fake I.D. cards because they need to or ALE Alcohol Law Enforcement … an agency in the federal government that busts underage kids and bars that sell to people who are underage. ALE does a lot of undercover work and is abhorred everywhere.

    The only exception is college bars which make money hand over fist off college kids who may or may not be 21 so these places often accept getting busted by ALE as part of doing business and as such will pay the fine. Such bars walk a fine line of being shutdown permanently if they get too many infractions in a short span of time. The number is like 3 in 18 months but when you think of the potentially 100++ kids who enter and drink at these places underage every weekend then you come away with two thoughts: 1. ALE must not be doing a great job & 2. College Bars are successful at not getting caught.

    The thing is I find it fuckin hard to get drugs here because I do not want to go to the paramilitaries but that’s all it,,,all I want is weed n some other small things but give me weed n I’m happy,,,,,,,,atm I’m not happy
    You also need to remember that all clubs over here stop serving drink at 12.30 and kick everyone out for 1.30am so everyone binge drinks over here and drinks as much as possible between 9.30pm (normal time to start the night) and 1.30am when they all get sent home. There’s problems here because of the council and government rules being so back dated

    @smokemary 986149 wrote:

    The thing is I find it fuckin hard to get drugs here because I do not want to go to the paramilitaries but that’s all it,,,all I want is weed n some other small things but give me weed n I’m happy,,,,,,,,atm I’m not happy
    You also need to remember that all clubs over here stop serving drink at 12.30 and kick everyone out for 1.30am so everyone binge drinks over here and drinks as much as possible between 9.30pm (normal time to start the night) and 1.30am when they all get sent home. There’s problems here because of the council and government rules being so back dated

    They started doing the same here over the last decade. The govt had been fairly progressive and allowed quite a few late night venues to operate.

    Although we haven’t had religious paramitaries here since the 1700s (and the worst of their various factions eventually got on the boat and went to the USA where a lot now remain) there were still a lot of problems with both binge drinking and reckless drug use as well as the same gangs from London coming here on the train (it is only 80 km distance) and fighting for turf with local hardmen.

    It all came to a head around 2006 when a few lads got killed due to various gang factions fighting, youngsters were running riot on the estates and even then uploading their behaviour to social media (alas, raves got lumped in with all this) and then a sex pest kidnapped and murdered 5 sex workers who turned out to mostly be young local middle class lasses who had supposedly got on to hard drugs via club/party drugs and clubbing.

    The authorities actually took advice from the Netherlands (where all the same bad stuff was happening) but instead of tolerating the night time economy decided it didn’t bring in enough revenue compared to the extra costs to public services and decided to go in hardline. One important difference between Ipswich and many other similar places is the port actually gets used for real shipping (bulk cargo + containers) 24/7 so the area isn’t as dependent on night time events.

    Loads of venues even townie places have lost their licenses; but what younger friends tell me is they often don’t even drink let alone consider taking drugs. They sit at home and play computer games or watch streaming TV. BTW Not sure how many folk know this but for about 10 years MTV Europe has been run on shoestring budget from Poland, it got kicked out of both its London HQs (old TVAM studio, now knocked down) and another place in W1 as it couldn’t afford to keep them running. I was as much surprised to hear they were still putting on events at all.

    I wonder how related this event was to MTV Europe.

    Just bring back the free party’s

    @Shakyamuni 986155 wrote:

    I wonder how related this event was to MTV Europe.

    it would definitely have been linked to them but MTV Europe is a shadow of what it used to be.

    Although it shared some programming it also used to have a certain amount of autonomy from the USA bosses at Viacom.

    Mind you I haven’t watched their channels for near 20 years and the only time it was half decent was early 1990s as their briefly picked up on the growing European rave scene.

    They also had a few side channels that were linked to German music channels, some of the content particularly 1970s/1980s pop performances (esp early synthpop, Neue Deutsche Welle and New Romantic/New Wave stuff) was shown on the UK, possibly as part of VH1 but it wasn’t then as tightly branded/controlled. It was basically another “MTV channel” showing quite random stuff.

    I expect this new “Club MTV” is a pale imitation of the American equivalent; and wouldn’t be surprised if the the reason they picked Londonderry rather than anywhere else in the UK was that they couldn’t afford licenses in mainland Britain or were refused them as the Councils knew that this kind of fiasco would occur. In any case broadcast TV stations and young peoples safety currently do not sit well together in the UK…

    @smokemary 986156 wrote:

    Just bring back the free party’s

    I agree in principle – but round here and also in SE England where I used to live these also got progressively locked off more and more because there was an ambulance called out to nearly every party in 2007 due to people overdoing it; as well as road traffic collisions because people insisted on driving 200km and the events didn’t stop until early Sunday evening (before they used to wind down before lunchtime) so folk were often too sleep deprived to drive safely. it all started going tits up when ketamine became the main substance used at English raves….

    This was a particular shame as at one point the Police were letting them happen as they once caused less problems in the community than licensed events.

    Once that type of thing is gone it is probably gone forever. Which sucks.

    The local authorities and police is responsible for events like this. Absence of necessary control leads to consequences like that.

    @General Lighting 986170 wrote:

    I agree in principle – but round here and also in SE England where I used to live these also got progressively locked off more and more because there was an ambulance called out to nearly every party in 2007 due to people overdoing it; as well as road traffic collisions because people insisted on driving 200km and the events didn’t stop until early Sunday evening (before they used to wind down before lunchtime) so folk were often too sleep deprived to drive safely. it all started going tits up when ketamine became the main substance used at English raves….

    This was a particular shame as at one point the Police were letting them happen as they once caused less problems in the community than licensed events.

    But you could say the same about clubs especially over here when u have to travel 4/5miles to get to the closest pub or club. People drink and drive its never goin goin to stop its all down to that person and same with over doing it at a party, near all clubs have police outside come closing time. Same can kinda be said about ambulance people do not listen and do not no when to say no and calm down which links that to the party lasting 2 days . Your just askin for trouble then.
    Sure look into here about the holy lands with students and drinking in fresher’s week its all one free party and the only real trouble is noise and mess

    @smokemary 986231 wrote:

    But you could say the same about clubs especially over here when u have to travel 4/5miles to get to the closest pub or club. People drink and drive its never goin goin to stop its all down to that person and same with over doing it at a party, near all clubs have police outside come closing time. Same can kinda be said about ambulance people do not listen and do not no when to say no and calm down which links that to the party lasting 2 days . Your just askin for trouble then.
    Sure look into here about the holy lands with students and drinking in fresher’s week its all one free party and the only real trouble is noise and mess

    the transport problems vary with regions. In London and SE most events (whether or not licensed) are confined within smaller areas and/or can be reached via public transport or walking. When me and my friends were organising events in SE England around 2002 a senior traffic cop actually praised us for holding one in a warehouse just on the outskirts of town rather than far out in the countryside as he acknowledged it was better for traffic safety.

    The wider issue though is money – people who don’t go out late at night at all (an increasing majority in my town) are way more resentful about any perception they are subsidising others fun than 10 or 20 years ago.

    Licensed events have to pay for the extra cops and ambulances and round here the rules are if they won’t pay they don’t get a license so fuckloads of venues have closed. People don’t realise or don’t care its the govts austerity against public services causing the problem rather than people taking any more drugs or booze (the numbers are declining in England).

    University students are begrudgingly tolerated to some extent but even they are clamped down on – I know the folk who run students union bars and a few profs/lecturers and its now in students contracts that if they cause anti social behaviour they risk being expelled or denied their degree certificate even if they are academically high performers, this has been going on since late 1990s.

    Incidentally was reading the press releases of Polizei Bayern about the Oktoberfest; there was a shit ton of incidents there including robberies, violence, tension between various racial groups, including English speaking people fighting each other but the Germans and Austrians were no better themselves. Looking at the report for 2016-09-25 it basically doubled the crime in the Munich area which is already under strain due to existing crime problems and terorism fears.

    Of course it would be unthinkable for Germans to cancel the Oktoberfest, but many reports quote that 1 litre of Bier is now €10 or more, which is even more than at an equivalent quality beer festival in England when they happen.

    I was going well with what all you said until now, smoked to much weed to even try and respond to that haha, thanks GL

    @General Lighting 986232 wrote:

    the transport problems vary with regions. In London and SE most events (whether or not licensed) are confined within smaller areas and/or can be reached via public transport or walking. When me and my friends were organising events in SE England around 2002 a senior traffic cop actually praised us for holding one in a warehouse just on the outskirts of town rather than far out in the countryside as he acknowledged it was better for traffic safety.

    The wider issue though is money – people who don’t go out late at night at all (an increasing majority in my town) are way more resentful about any perception they are subsidising others fun than 10 or 20 years ago.

    Licensed events have to pay for the extra cops and ambulances and round here the rules are if they won’t pay they don’t get a license so fuckloads of venues have closed. People don’t realise or don’t care its the govts austerity against public services causing the problem rather than people taking any more drugs or booze (the numbers are declining in England).

    University students are begrudgingly tolerated to some extent but even they are clamped down on – I know the folk who run students union bars and a few profs/lecturers and its now in students contracts that if they cause anti social behaviour they risk being expelled or denied their degree certificate even if they are academically high performers, this has been going on since late 1990s.

    Incidentally was reading the press releases of Polizei Bayern about the Oktoberfest; there was a shit ton of incidents there including robberies, violence, tension between various racial groups, including English speaking people fighting each other but the Germans and Austrians were no better themselves. Looking at the report for 2016-09-25 it basically doubled the crime in the Munich area which is already under strain due to existing crime problems and terorism fears.

    Of course it would be unthinkable for Germans to cancel the Oktoberfest, but many reports quote that 1 litre of Bier is now €10 or more, which is even more than at an equivalent quality beer festival in England when they happen.

    Reading your posts it strikes me how similar the UK and USA are and how we seem to be on parallel tracks as far as government goes. I could expand more by comparing the two but the most important thing is the similarity, not the differences in the similarity.

    It’s all for the money what ever way the government can get more they go for that






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Forums Rave Clubbing & Raving UK : NI : Emergency Dept filled up with casualties from MTV "club event"