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  • Apparently 310 000 young people who graduate from Universities in the North leave for London and the South. The Grauniad reports aren’t 100% about exactly what these folk do for a living once they get there, in reality I suspect they end up working in the same shitty call centres and financial services companies rather than the “vibrant creative industries” the Grauniad and others claim are still found in the capital.

    BTW I was born in London and lived there (and also just outside in Reading, SE England) for much of my life; and quite frankly wouldn’t want to live there again.

    This is one of the articles aimed at the Grauniad readers. Be aware though the two “young lasses” are not that young, they are nearly as old as myself and are writing about long gone “good times” from 1990s/early 00s. To be fair Helen Pidd does also write some decent articles about cycling, ironically it was riding a bike in London which made her decide to return to the North :laugh_at:

    This is another (more factual) article – not too sure about the numbers now as the 310 000 is taken from 31 000 graduates over the 10 years from 2006 onwards, and the amount of real, secure graduate level jobs down South (i.e making useful stuff, not flaky startup companies, websites and apps) is likely to be less now than in the early 2000s.

    To be fair there is probably plenty of work for IT graduates at Sage in Newcastle, someone has to keep that flaky software working and our patients database software comes from up North as well (Macclesfield I think), our alarms (nursecalls and fire detect) from Wigan – if anything it seems the genuinely useful items are being made up North, not in London!

    Have only read half of the 1st article so far but it seems to be true, because we only seem to have total fucking idiots left up here. At least where I live anyway lol.

    @General Lighting 987026 wrote:

    This is another (more factual) article – not too sure about the numbers now as the 310 000 is taken from 31 000 graduates over the 10 years from 2006 onwards, items are being made up North, not in London![/url]

    That’s got to be a typo, they had 10 times more people move south than actua;l graduates they recorded????

    @tryptameanie 987029 wrote:

    That’s got to be a typo, they had 10 times more people move south than actua;l graduates they recorded????

    Seemed like bad math to me, if its 31 000 per year then it works out correctly, I don’t know if thats inline with the number of annual graduates from universities in the North of England or not.

    @Digital Buddha 987033 wrote:

    Seemed like bad math to me, if its 31 000 per year then it works out correctly, I don’t know if thats inline with the number of annual graduates from universities in the North of England or not.

    It does if they counted 31,000 graduates per year but it seems to me they checked 3,100/year for 10 years. I may be wrong thoughy

    Reading the article it does indeed say 310,000, maybe it’s just my ignorance at the true size of the region and just being shocked that not only are there more than 31,000 graduates per year, but there are 31,000 graduates who move down south and so there must be many who don’t move down south (I don’t remember seeing that 31,000 as a proportion of total graduates in the article)……

    TBH the definition of “North” they use is just about everything north of Leicester and includes both NW and NE England, basically everything in the top half of the British Isles that isn’t Wales or Scotland so it would be a fair few people. Also a lot of folk would study “liberal arts” subjects at some of the unis.

    The unis round your way do to be fair have a lot of specialist science courses, though I wouldn’t be surprised if many students leave the UK entirely after graduation as there are strong links with SE and East Asian countries. They do have a lot of good engineering courses but many are related to heavy industry which is less common in Britain nowadays.

    Even if young people do go up to University, its debatable sometimes whether they learn anything useful in there or at work (given some of the software issues I’ve been dealing with recently)






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Forums Life Learning & Education UK : Northern brain drain?