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UK : Photographers – might be worth a trip to Jessops for bargains…

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology UK : Photographers – might be worth a trip to Jessops for bargains…

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  • Profits warning – lots of stores closing so they are going to want to clear out stock..,,-6725458,00.html

    Might be a good time to get stuff like camera cases, “end of line” kit and the more obscure/esoteric stuff as well (particularly if there are any of you left who still shoot film!)

    What I have never understood about Jessops is why they often had two stores in the same town within walking distance of one another – this happened in both Reading and Ipswich :you_crazy

    Jessops is well exspensive for camera gear. I found my digital camera (Canon Powrshot a540) for half the price online compared to what jessops offered.

    They do provide a good print service though. Just upload yer photos to their website and they are ready to collect from your local store within a day or so.

    I Always tended to use it more for things like accessories, videotape and more obscure items than actual cameras – hard to explain, but there are things I have found you can only easily get from Jessops if you don’t want to wait for mail order.

    Mind you this was more in the late 90s and early 2000s when I was doing more creative stuff, don’t get the time any more.

    Stuff like cameras are always gonna be cheaper online, I suspect the main overhead with a place like a camera shop will be security as in an inner city every junkie/pikey type is gonna try and rob something out of it, lots of small but high value items.)

    its when the shops are about to be cleared and they find they have more stock than will fit in the remaining stores that the bargain bins will hopefully start appearing,..






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology UK : Photographers – might be worth a trip to Jessops for bargains…