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UK : SW : Motorway cops bust suspected glastonbury pill dealers..

Forums Rave Festivals Glastonbury Festival UK : SW : Motorway cops bust suspected glastonbury pill dealers..

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  • @1984 389337 wrote:

    sounds very sensible

    I think though it only really works on people who already have a reasonable job or family life who would be just as well served by a community sentence for a minor non-violent offence, or the Caution plus (as cautions are very rarely reported in the papers)

    it also depends on the wider community being able to forgive and forget, in small close knit communities and with British crime reporting some people might boycott a persons employers if they felt they are continuing to employ criminals…

    those with chaotic lifestyles or unemployed aren’t going to care about being locked up at weekends as they can get trashed during the week!

    @fryingsquirrel 389331 wrote:

    WWWAAAAYYYY off topic but I’m about to stick a cigar tube full of tobacco and xanax up my arse and go do a weekend in the county jail. Not so bad, I have plenty of friends there I haven’t seen in awile. Have a great weekend, mates.

    goodluck. :love:

    @1984 389335 wrote:

    ah I just ment why have u got to go inside for 2 days, never herd of sentencing like that, but tis a bit of a personal question perhaps. Best of luck with it, all hale le Xanax!

    Not to personel, LOL I was just to high to understand the question. It was for driving on suspended licence.

    @fryingsquirrel 389489 wrote:

    Not to personel, LOL I was just to high to understand the question. It was for driving on suspended licence.

    they put u inside for driving without a licence!? damn man that is harsh! no wonder they lock up so many people!

    @1984 389494 wrote:

    they put u inside for driving without a licence!? damn man that is harsh! no wonder they lock up so many people!

    even in this country its easy enough to eventually get sent down for motoring offences if you commit them repeatedly and breach bail or don’t pay fines (although the charge is non payment or breach of bail rather than the motoring offence..)

    @General Lighting 389495 wrote:

    even in this country its easy enough to eventually get sent down for motoring offences if you commit them repeatedly and breach bail or don’t pay fines (although the charge is non payment or breach of bail rather than the motoring offence..)

    tis true although as u say it does take a lot of effort if road wars is anything to go by

    Odd part is you only go to jail if the county cops pull you over, city writes you a ticket and sends you on your way.

    @fryingsquirrel 389560 wrote:

    Odd part is you only go to jail if the county cops pull you over, city writes you a ticket and sends you on your way.

    really? even if your driving on a suspended license, bizare? how was the weekend? not too bad? take it you managed to get in okay! 😉






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Forums Rave Festivals Glastonbury Festival UK : SW : Motorway cops bust suspected glastonbury pill dealers..