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UK : Warning from the Loop : "Anonymous" logo pills with pentylone

Forums Drugs Drug Pictures and Identification UK : Warning from the Loop : "Anonymous" logo pills with pentylone

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  • identified at the Kendall Calling festival in the North of England; making people quite ill and keeping the paramedics busy. (Pentylone is a long lasting cathinone and that is a gross overdose)

    Really, why are people trying to kill their customers?

    I think a lot of todays online middle level dealers never actually meet their customers and might even be in different countries; then the “street level” ones do not bother to actually check what is in the substances themselves, lack any scientifc knowledge or even if they do still take drugs may be long term users funding their lifestyles by dealing and might not realise they have developed a very heavy tolerance.

    Good explanations GL, just when I dealt at midlevel quantities I really cared about my customers as people.

    to be fair I don’t think todays midlevel dealers want their users to come to any harm either; its just that when many lack even basic science, arithmetic and comprehension skills (such as avoiding a high school level article about harm reduction of a few hundred words as its “too long”) its an obvious recipe for trouble.

    Its not even the fault of “drugs making people stupid”; but a wider decline in education systems and the worse effects of smartphone culture (which can be more addictive and distracting than drugs!)

    Amen on smartphone culture, my attention span, granted I’m diagnosed ADD and was undiagnosed ADD for a lot longer than that beforehand is awful, but it got worse after I got a smart phone.

    Sometimes people misrepresent what they have and this is probably the problem with these pills, someone thought they were MDMA somewhere along the chain, but if you’re going to fake drugs then be good with the stuff that you’re replacing it with.






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Forums Drugs Drug Pictures and Identification UK : Warning from the Loop : "Anonymous" logo pills with pentylone