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Unusual Piercings

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  • never had anything pierced… few tats tho

    first one was done on my 19th birthday in a bar in Tel Aviv, on passover, when everything is supposed to be closed

    got off the plane… we’d been doing doves on the flight and were determined to find a beer… and got a tat :crazy_fre

    embarrasing but true

    that one went murky so i covered it with an Esher picture, which also went a bit wrong… i still have that one.. it’s quite big and just above my elbow, so visible

    a couple years ago Mrs globalloon paid for me to have another one on my other upper arm of a design i pinched off an old ska album of an oriental tiger>>>

    which has since been ripped of by some US karate schools

    never mind

    live and learn


    the thing that worries me about tattoos is that i’m scared i’ll really go off them and then i’m stuck with them………

    it happens

    This is my first ever thread, so pls bare with me, my brother is basically piercing mad- The most unusual ones he has that i think look gr8 are Under the top lip (that piece of skin attaching the lip to the gum) and the tear drop (cheek bone)which would look really good with a diamond bar.

    [EVIL][/EVIL]On another note my first ever freeparty i got punched in the face, uncalled for of course(freeparty in banbury).HAs any one else encountered this at one??? Or did i just have a unlucky encounter.:bounce_m:

    On another note my first ever freeparty i got punched in the face, uncalled for of course(freeparty in banbury).Has any one else encountered this at one??? Or did i just have a unlucky encounter.:bounce_m:

    Well sounds pretty harsh but your most likely reason is some violent pisshead that cant handle a drink without getting violent. Tiss a pity really but i think it happens very rarley. My m8 did see some guy at one rave get kicked crap out of the other week for questioning some guys for pushing in the que to get in, grossly unfair i know people should stand up for what is just. PEOPLE LIKE THESE ARE WAY WORSE THAN THE PIGS. And the worst bit is they ran off and didnt even go in, in that case i mean come on wat as the point. But i doubt you should worry bout this sort of behaviour, compared to a city centre at closing time you are way more likly to get into an unesessesary fight there than at any rave.

    miccy wrote:
    On another note my first ever freeparty i got punched in the face, uncalled for of course(freeparty in banbury).HAs any one else encountered this at one??? Or did i just have a unlucky encounter.:bounce_m:

    there are a few idiots about at free parties who are basically mentally ill, make themselves more so by doing drugs and drinking and then take their paranoia and anger out on others.

    but outside London this sort of thing is uncommon, and as raverbaby said you are more likely to experience this sort of hassles in town or city centres.

    There is a slight trend towards more violent incidents at parties (other than the ones the Police cause by their hostile actions) but they are still safer than most other weekend activities. have a look at your local news or the TVP press releases to put things into perspective.

    I think everywhere in Britain is becoming more violent as life and economy becomes more uncertain and young men in particular become insecure of their own role in society and their identies- but perhaps its karma for the war we are causing in other countries.

    as for tattoos/piercings I have none whatsoever. I have a fear of needles – which TBH I count as a blessing in many respects as it keeps me away from injectable drugs.

    Get the back of your neck done! That looks wicked. I got a surface peircin not long ago and its healed proper nicely. I know it will grow out in the end but so far im happy with it. Dont b such a wimp! It doesnt hurt at all, only after wards for a while its tender and sore but u have just had a bit of metal stuck through skin…. Now ive got one im going to get loads more 🙂 After u will b laughin at urself 4 worrying….
    Goood Luck:bigsmile:

    i gotta industrial, which i love.. gonna get 1 to go across it and get a vertical tragus!
    got the usual, ear lobes, 2 in my tongue, my labret, both nostrils..

    did have my nipple done but managed to rip it out few months back :oh_god:

    ooh want a surface piercing on my collarbone too..

    grrr.. bloody addictions :you_crazy

    What did ya get done in the end?

    I’ve seen the neck one more and more recently – it looks cool

    I have 12,
    but not what you’d call unusual these days

    Never had any in my face as worried they’d get ripped out – (used to work where there could be hostile situations)

    got my eye on another 2 but got to wait til I have my hand surgery before I book em as I dont want to have to take them out before they’re healed.

    i do also have a fear of needles, also a lot of people do, it must be a thing at birth or in genes, anyway i wanna get the top of my right ear done, but i think i will have to get very drunk and very spannered on ket so i cant feel anything

    then have extra anaesthetics there, then i might get it done, i would like a tatoo done, and one day, i will get dreads and i will get 2 hamsters having T on my back i have to find the picture book with the picture in it…… and pluck up the courage

    😉 :crazy_diz

    used to have a friend who jingled when she walked . . . .she was fun :groucho:

    quick question tho . . . you know the spikes that come out through your skin, under the mouth etc? Well how do you kiss a person with a load of them in?! Do they move, do they have to come out? Do they just inflict severe damage in sensitive places? What?!!!

    So far I’ve had my lip pierced left, right and in the center… tongue pierced… belly pierced… ears x2 pierced… septum pierced… and bridge pierced. =]

    I guess the septum and bridge piercings are a bit more unusual for some. =]

    i once saw someone who’d just had their ankle pierced… looked painfull as hell!

    rach wrote:
    i once saw someone who’d just had their ankle pierced… looked painfull as hell!


    funny cat wrote:
    :bounce_m: :crazy_fre :bounce_m:

    i’m off to get myself a new piercing very soon for free (as the piercing lady felt so bad taking my last one out she gave me a voucher for free one-it did bloody hurt though!) I’m thinking of getting a horizontal eyebrow one, haven’t really seen any of those about, i want something that’s not too painful this time as well as my last two really hurt (through sticky out cartilidge bits in ear). i wanted the back of my neck pierced but have chickened out so far!!

    anyone got any unusual ones? :toxic: :bounce_m: :crazy_fre :horay:

    This boy I used to know had the back of his neck pierced twice. He said it hurt like a mother. And he ripped ’em out a couple of times trying to put his hair up. So, if you do get that, watch your hairs =/






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Forums Life Body Art Unusual Piercings