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[username] is the POLICE, checking ALL messages and emails RIGHT NOW!

Forums Life Law [username] is the POLICE, checking ALL messages and emails RIGHT NOW!

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  • one word for you my friend. Jackass

    Now judging people as you have is not on. if i was a policeman or some kind of snitch i wouldnt be on a site like this when all the topics at hand are general knowledge for the pigs. if you actually had any idea who i was u could never say anything towards me being a copper. i am part of a underground organisation thats kept the rave scene roliin for many a year and i have squatted since i was 15 years old. steve you must be the copper with ur reverse psycho approach to me so others shine a light this way. well i aint and really shouldnt have to explain myself. steve u are nothing to what i have been through or created and u really dont bother me with ur accusation…..keep em coming cos it’ll just get hotter in here for you.

    peace love and Acid fukkin tekno


      Love this thread :lol_big:


      I swear I’m retired. I love drugs n stuff now. .

      I’m not a Lord though so no hookers for mem only cheep drugs that aren’t heroin or coke/crack n shit.

      The POKICE???? lOL LOL You gotta be kidding! It’s obvious what your drug of choice is, because you folks are fuckin’ delussional!

      Too bad, as I was looking to possibly making some like-minded friends on here, but I can forget that now! People that are this paranoid would mess with my high too much. But jeeeeeeez what a welcome I received, only to have it turn into a tweaked-out witch hunt!

      @swingband2000 971001 wrote:

      The POKICE???? lOL LOL You gotta be kidding! It’s obvious what your drug of choice is, because you folks are fuckin’ delussional!

      Too bad, as I was looking to possibly making some like-minded friends on here, but I can forget that now! People that are this paranoid would mess with my high too much. But jeeeeeeez what a welcome I received, only to have it turn into a tweaked-out witch hunt!

      You’ll find the ones who stick around read more than a thread title and have a sense of humour.

      Sorry to see you leave so quickly without attempting to find out what was happening.

      Bizarrely you did however decide to stay long enough to write a postsaying you are definitely not the police though so thanks for that buddy 🙂

      oh this is the worst! i Literally just joined and chose Roadhouse for a screen name!! shit!

      no mate, there is a [ username ] tag that when used shows that user their own username.

      This threa says tryptameanie is the police when I look at it.

      @tryptameanie 971004 wrote:

      no mate, there is a [ username ] tag that when used shows that user their own username.

      This threa says tryptameanie is the police when I look at it.

      Ahh. Thanks! i’m still very new here! appreciate the correction.

      Hey anything I can help with, start a thread.

      Literally just seen this and can call complete pish on it on a mobile, in scotland usin a vpn..i cant read ppls emails ffs..folks sufferin benzo withdrawels worse that i ever did it seems ��


      Lol checkin the rest of the thread i think ur ryt mate

      your mental who did i pick on police hahahahahah thats kin funny as your profile pic






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    Forums Life Law [username] is the POLICE, checking ALL messages and emails RIGHT NOW!