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Using Psychedeilics To Treat Alcoholism

Forums Drugs Alcohol Using Psychedeilics To Treat Alcoholism

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  • Haven’t done any looking for any 5-MeO-DMT containing plants but you know anything of the process of extracting that. It’s probably similar to the extraction of alkaloids from DMT containing plants but I don’t know. What I do know is that 5-MeO-DMT sounds wild, even comnpared to good old DMT.

    gonna throw my 2 cents in, new a couple who tried to make aycahusca but they bought unground root bark and it was painfully hard to grind so they ended up with inhert yage. so yeah get the ground powder and save yourself some trouble.

    @Gylfì Guðbjörnsson 573325 wrote:

    a very good mate a mine BLEW UP is bathroom makin DuMpT…..only do it if you KNOW what your doing….I cannot stress this enough.

    I remember the young American lad posting a similar video (perhaps the same one?) a few months ago; and warned of the risk when using the naptha / benzine (refined petrol/gasoline). Many bathrooms in the UK often contain the hot water cylinder; and perhaps the immersion heater or if its gas the cylinder thermostat. The time switch can often be there or nearby.

    All these things can spark when they switch; benzine vapour travels some distance and easily finds ignition sources….

    Sounds worse than cooking meth.

    eh if you’re doing shake and bake and shake too much without letting some pressure off you could get seriously injured.

    i think its a wash either seems dangerous if done wrong.

    although i’d much rather be in the paper for blowing myself up cooking DMT than meth

    Don’t know about Psychedelics but weed can definitely help certain people stop/slow down alcoholism

    Drug addiction cause more illness. A person who is addicted for drug or alcohol. He must be totally upset by physically or is a very bad for you health and it is damage your body and lief.Some rehab center provide some technique.

    So if people are ill we should give them nothing? I agree, they should have prayed the gay/addiction away.

    It worked for the Catholics. It turned them from homos to pedos.






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Forums Drugs Alcohol Using Psychedeilics To Treat Alcoholism