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Wanted: Cryptography Products for Worldwide Survey

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  • Apparent;y America thinks that banning strong crypto for American idiots that the rest of the world would give a shit or use their shitty crypto. Well maybe actual honest citizens would be forced to use it but anyone with any less than legal would get some proper crypto and still not care.

    [URL]http://Wanted: Cryptography Products for Worldwide Survey[/URL]

    that link has got mangled; I think the original is this one

    Although what is worse is that US law appears to forbid or discourage publishing any link to non US encrypt or decrypt software; to the point I was unsure about posting a link on youtube to 15 year old software to decrypt a very basic analogue audio encryption scheme [used since 1930s] on one of the Chinese radios I bought for work (backup comms for when we lose power/broadband etc; which happens more than you want it to out in the sticks).

    This restriction seems to apply even though the equipment is fully approved by CMIIT (China Commiunications Ministry), a German CE testing lab working on behalf of BNetzA (so it is legal to use in the EU) as well as the FCC – and the only reason I made the video was to show the encrypt wasn’t very robust (you are not going to get a rolling code scrambler for EUR 10) and dropped some hints anyway to any kids watching as to where they might find the decrypt software (or if they are smarter than me and have more time they can even code it themselves using python).

    Has a feeling this would have people catching on…

    Nowadays they regulate everything that has to do with newer technologies.

    In this case they can’t. They can put restriction on US made crypto and put export controls on them (IN THE 80-90S STRONG CRYPTO WAS classed as a militery munition) but that’s not the case now. Besides very strong cryto already existing,AES, BLOWFISH, etc. that they can’t d anything about and not forgetting the strong crypto not made in the US, the US can’t do anything about it. They may criminalize innocent people to use useless crypto but actual criminals with download a free crypto app and be secure.

    for the same reason there is 100% of jack shit the USA and their FCC can do about what radio equipment I operate; as its approved by CEPT/ETSI and I am licensed by Ofcom (UK Communications Ministry) to use it and as I live in a coastal area under a major flight path I am not going to do anything that could cause inteference to the safety critical comms widely used in this area.

    Things may be different elsewhere but in Europe there is much less regulation if anything of communications services and equipment compared to the 1980s.

    I can remember when you had get a license to install a telephone exchange and for any sort of wireless equipment and you had to fill in a really long form; pay the Ministry lots of money and wait several months. Today a lot of stuff (including nearly all WLAN equipment which can of course use any amount of crypto) no longer requires this license; and if you do need one its only £75 for 5 years. I was surprised Ofcom would issue me a Suppliers License for radio equipment including repeaters, stronger pager transmitters and even ships radios although I suspect they did check my Linked In to be sure I knew one end of an antenna from the other and how to avoid causing interference.

    What is happening is USA is lagging behind the world because of their political squabbles and lawyers. I was reading an ETSI newsletter and there are apparently 60 member countries in ETSI; double the amount of countries geographically in Europe if you include Norway and Switzerland who are European but not EU countries. Malaysia and Singapore now follow ETSI/CEPT tech standards; I’ve noticed much equipment from China follows these standards before they go for the USA market.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology Wanted: Cryptography Products for Worldwide Survey