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  • @p0ly 442851 wrote:

    they normally aren’t harriet! yet ugly people can still adore you, even though it sucks for you 😀 that’s the trouble with being pretty.

    I’ve seen some really cuuuuute fluffeh spiders before.

    where they fluffy with hats and tedybear like?

    I’m on my iPod so I can’t work put how to post pics but look at this little guy :3 his cute beady eyes. I’d call him berty.

    try eating it? 😀

    noooooo not berty! :'(

    poor little thing only wanted a kiss to turn into a voldamort… OH NO I SAID THE EVIL.

    there was a time when i got up from under some trees, and a wasp would not leave me alone, it was hot and had one or two bottons open on my shirt, the wasp made me go wild, and i see a baby wasp nestled on my bellybotton, and i shake it off, and they go away. Ive always respected wasps after that

    @manaman 443458 wrote:

    there was a time when i got up from under some trees, and a wasp would not leave me alone, it was hot and had one or two bottons open on my shirt, the wasp made me go wild, and i see a baby wasp nestled on my bellybotton, and i shake it off, and they go away. Ive always respected wasps after that

    manaman+respect? well i never would’ve thought it.

    The only good bug is a dead bug.

    @GiantMidget 443584 wrote:

    The only good bug is a dead bug.

    this guy is called bug hall, is he better off dead? (alfalfa switzer)



    I got stung by a wasp… Left a white patch scar ever since =/






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Forums Life Pets & Animals Wasps!!!!