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Weather/Climate (split from biodiesel thread)

Forums Life Weather Weather/Climate (split from biodiesel thread)

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  • I split from another thread about biodiesel on one of the “local” sound systems boards..

    Particularly fashionable this month (with me, anyway!) is a new type of solar panel made in a thin, flexible sheet. In theory, it should be possible to make them for a lot less than current solar panels.

    Of course, all this means, is that i havent found out what the catch is yet!:hopeless: Probably made out of diamonds, or somethin:groucho: [/quote]

    if you mean the new non-silcon stuff the snag is at present limited life span of the materials used.

    Check out the crazy weather worldwide, the Northern Hemisphere is totally all over the shop! The US is blaming El Nino, but thats just BS, its far too warm for ‘just’ El Nino.

    we have got “spring” weather but with rain here in East Anglia, and extreme variations in air pressure, lots of wind/rainstorms etc..

    Hiya General, yeah just start me off, i could rattle on about this stuff all day, literally!:love:

    I think there are both silicon and non-silicon approaches to flexible solar panels. Certainly longevity seems to be an issue with some types, but not all. I really don’t know that much about the ones that are currently on the market (apart from some do come with 20yr guarantees), but i guess they are still on the expensive side – even with the current high oil price.

    It definitely looks promising for the very near future tho. There is a long, long list of universities, multinationals and government incentive schemes, all putting in large investements, into fighting for the chance to sell us some economical guilt-free power.:weee: Wiki is quite helpful, for background.

    I wouldnt say we are out of the woods yet tho!:groucho: I think it will be lots of small steps, not a ‘silver bullet’.

    The great news on the weather front, is that the (central and eastern)USA is seeing similar conditions to us. In fact, unusually warm weather has been affecting almost all of the US, Europe and Asia, roughly north of the 40th parallel. I think the Americans are slowly coming round!raaa raaa 2006 has just been confirmed as their hottest year on record (just like here, really), which certainly helps concentrate the mind!

    For more info;, particularly the thread titled ‘EL Nino, Global Warming and Anomalous US Winter Warmth’.

    Of course, we are not allowed to say ‘thats global warming, that is’, but we can say ‘welcome to the future’.

    Solar pannels are great, we used to use them when we was noth road. I summer you couldnt use enough electricity, winter you get about an hours worth of power if that.
    Global warming has unfortunately gone to far to turn the clocks back now. My brother is a gardener, they used to stop cutting gras in mid october and start again end of feb. this year they stoped first week of december and are due to start again next week.
    Another point is where did all the birds go? why are there so many squirels? Be afraid be very afraid….

    The funniest thing is…a lot of the cheap solar panels which are now being sold in the UK are actually made in China which is only second to America in it’s volume of polutants (I think!)..pretty ironic huh

    My local council won’t let me put up a wind turbine because ‘ it will spoil the area’..i tried pointing out that there may be no nice things to look at unless people do something, to which the planner said ‘if we let you put one up everyone will want one’ that not a good thing! I do however have a satellite dish….ah life in Cumbria
    :yakk: :yakk: :yakk:






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Forums Life Weather Weather/Climate (split from biodiesel thread)