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Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish WEED / KET

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  • from my experiance smoknig weed doesn’t perminently damage your mentality … i’ve had mates go into mental hospitals because of smoknig way too much but some of them are totaly fine now.

    ive also heard of people who had collapsed lungs from smoking it non stop but i think a lot of the problems come from the tobacco that people put in the spliffs

    If you eat THC you’ll be fine people 😉

    i hate tobacco only smoke pipes lungs etc nd i think this combo put me off k for life lol

    i just eat it when i buy it once every 10000 years, doesent take long to take effect either not as long as i first thought before trying eating it

    i think the smoking factor is part of the fun tho been smokin it for 4 r 5 yrs and have never 1nce eaten it

    yeah.. i cant roll so ive had to eat it some times when i got it for come downs…

    just like with coke its about snorting it, though there are other ways to take it i would only ever snort

    I never get paranoid when smoking weed, would rather have a nice fat joint over a dribbling k hole any day

    I’ve been smoking weed for about 5 years now, I don’t get paranoid. I have nothing to be paranoid about frankly. Went into a k hole once before. Well, not a proper k hole, it was off of MXE the first time I did it…way to much lol thought I died blah blah. Weed all the way for me 😀

    Easy WEED!! If eaten dosent have that much of bad effects if smoked, id rather be in the pothole than the khole!

    @Randomhead 471795 wrote:

    I have nothing to be paranoid about frankly.

    neither do a lot of people experiencing paranoia!

    Yeah paranoia come from the most stupid little things. Can even be you seeing your mate looking at you. Trust me that can kick off a chain of progressive thoughts that lead to you going “Oh no he’s gonna kill me”

    I dont like either but if I had to chose I would go with weed…

    i like k cos i pml

    @p0ly 420683 wrote:

    If you eat THC you’ll be fine people 😉

    Or vape. Better, stronger and longer high. Tastes better. No carcinogens, tar etc either. You can even eat your already vaped bud and get high off it all over again 😉

    I refuse to vote as I like both. Preferably at the same time.






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Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish WEED / KET