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What amp should I get for party use?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology What amp should I get for party use?

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  • @Tek Offensive – I only have a couple of mids with tweets at about 150W each, I might be adding a sub to the equasion by this summer, so maybe an amp with crossover would be a good idea.

    Any thoughts on the Peavey PV1500? there is one on ebay ending tonight that i might have to borrow some money to buy if you lot think it would be a good buy?

    yeah peavey amps are meant to be ok, no better or worse than any of the brands i meantioned,

    would definitely plan to get at least one sub, 2x 150watt midtops arent going to cater for 100 people, at least by getting a sub you can get a bit more from them as they wont have to be playing as much bass,

    also youll want a seperate crossover, standard amps dont have ‘proper’ crossovers in them, at least not any ive come across, only filters that let you cut out certain frequencies, ie below 30hz or whatever. youll want one that allows you to have full control, nothing too fancy but it means you can run what you want into the sub and everything above that into the tops,

    if you got that peavey amp you could run your speakers fine off it as theyd be getting 300watts each if you had them one per channel (just dont turn the up too much!) and then when you get a sub run the two midtops off one channel and then you could run a 300watt sub off the other. but its also not the bigest amp, you may find that its not powerful enough when you want to upgrade your speakers,

    just had a look at the spec on that amp, it does have a crossover in it that plays everything under 150hz, ideal for a small sub, but i dont know if would allow you to only set it too one channel (letting you play everything above 150hz thru the tops on the other one)

    what do you currently use to run your tops? home stereo or amp?

    we like peaveys – they are tough as old boots and do the job – still have my first ever amp [a second hand peavey] and its still going strong in my current rig raaaits from circa 1971 :weee: older than a lot of our party goers these days :laugh_at:

    you need to match the amps to the speakers otherwise you will blow loads of equipment

    My first rig was 2 2×12″ martins cabs and a pair of 15″ eurosys all running off a 260watt peavey [the one above] amp – loud enough for a serious party raaaraaa

    avoid yamahas, qsc, warrior would be my advice

    erm lost my thread here – may return later

    Umm i currently use a technics stack hifi thing for the speakers i have, but thats only for in my house. I did run it from an ancient mono valve amp designed for band use… :L it was pretty loud, enough to fill the space outside with sound. However, it was at halloween, the damp settled, meant the valve amp i was using went quiet… :L

    Are the parties going to be indoor or outdoor? It’s an important question because you will need a lot more for outdoor – no walls or ceiling mean your sound level pretty much follows the inverse square law (essentially the volume is inversely proportional to the square of the distance meaning you get serious dropoff in the sound levels – and due to the bass dropoff effect which is part of human hearing the bass suffers more from this than other parts of the music). Indoors is far less problem because the enclosed nature results in an intensifying of the sound levels.

    The result is that I wouldn’t consider using the first rig Raj and I had for outdoor parties – it had nowhere near enough power to do it properly, and the end result of having too little power is usually blown equipment (even if you know you’ve got to keep the levels under control, you can pretty much guarantee there will be some muppet vinyl monkey who thinks “thats not loud enough – I’ll just max out all the gain controls to make it better”).

    I wouldn’t really consider outdoor parties with less than 2KW of power and at least 3 speakers in each stack – and bear in mind as a professional sound engineer who has designed and built many systems, I am able to get high efficiency from that figure. If you’re a novice in that department you will likely need more like 4-5KW for an outdoor design to deliver the sound level necessary…

    Ok, thanks for that advice. planned to be outdoors by the way, I think i’ll have to keep them fairly low key until ive built up my system enough to invite ALOT of people… Dont wanna ruin my rep :L

    I’ll keep a look out for amps and things on ebay, and increase my system over the years. Using different amps for different ranges is always better right? more efficient that way.

    check out the sales area on speakerplans forum too (google it), always good equipment going there

    1 more thing mate… how old are yah?

    Haha, if you must know, I am only 14… still a spring chicken…

    alright, im 16.

    one thing – u gotta b careful with the law. if you do an illegal rave & ur the organiser, you might get put in young offenders, which we all know, is pretty horrible…

    GL probably knows the law better though, wait for his posts of wisdom 😉

    Oh also, dont be one of them kids that buys a pair of skytronic “50,000w” speakers, puts a flatpeak on backwards and starts pumping out distorted rusko. theres enough of them already 😉

    different amps for different ranges… well in some ways yes some ways no.

    bass is more hungry on power, so if you were to use 1 amp for everything, 1 channel would be getting a battering from the bass, and the other would be taking it easy pumping out the mids and tops.

    its also easier to manage if u got 2 amps… for sound levels etc.

    for a small system, i would recommend a behringer EP2500 for bass (~£160 second hand). and a behringer EP1500 on midtops (~£100?).. EP1500 is a little difficult to find… i would recommend a matrix equivalent.

    for subs i would build a pair of Gsubs…

    on midtops, i would design my own cab… pretty easy to do

    anyways thats the way i would do it for a budget mini rig that sounds pucca:)

    do you have any idea of a budget for the whole ‘starter’ rig?

    @joshd96320 382329 wrote:

    Oh also, dont be one of them kids that buys a pair of skytronic “50,000w” speakers, puts a flatpeak on backwards and starts pumping out distorted rusko.

    that sounds like something out of Brass Eye! :laugh_at:

    @Fokwise 382296 wrote:

    Haha, if you must know, I am only 14… still a spring chicken…

    be careful – you aren’t old enough to hold a full event license (minimum age 18) but you are old enough to get busted for holding a illegal rave. A friend of mine did indeed get send down to YOI – and not even his fault, other people started chucking bottles etc at the cops so they painted him as ringleader of a riot. it was the first time he had ever been in major trouble with the law as well!

    Also if a 14-17 year old has loads of expensive sound equipment he is willing to risk being confiscated the cops assume he is part of a gang what is selling drugs as a sideline to the parties…

    its not like the 90s or early 2000s any more, the country is a lot harsher..

    that said there are a lot of legal venues in the West midlands, much more so than any other area, and local Councils and even the cops will tolerate the use of Council venues for events aimed at a wide age group from teens to their mid 40s provided they are safely run.

    We had one in Ipswich for a couple of years. 3am license as well which is really rare in this region! The venue got closed down unfortunately but it wasn’t our crowd, people older than me from London started some beef with locals and guns were fired :you_crazy

    RIP caribbean club 🙁

    we knew the guy who founded the club quite well! met him in greece, funnily enough!

    he was a good drinking buddy

    Gah, things are so messed up here! :L there is nothing allowed for the small time people…
    Maybe things will change with the election… Maybe… :L
    Oh and by the way, you dont have to worry about the rusko, i’m not a fan. If it was up to me, it would mostly be jungle, but i’m not the selectah…

    Aye – take care that you’re careful about what you do and how you do it, but don’t let that stop you from doing it – I put on my first free party at 17, and have been belssedly trouble free in the 17 years since then. Things you need to remember is:

    Be careful about any advertising – if you advertise then it’s a public event (and that will get you into trouble). If it’s only ever among friends and done by word of mouth (or private internet sites that you set up yourself and control the membership of) then you can’t be done under licensing laws (because the event needs no license as it’s a private party – you can do these in public places as long as members of the general public aren’t specifically invited).

    Always have someone who’s at least relatively straight and sensible to deal with the OB if they turn up – you’ll get along with them far better if they have a point of contact. And always remember if they tell you they have had complaints and to turn the music off, that means you’ve been section 63’d and it is then a criminal offence to stay where you are and carry on. If they do this, it’s time to walk away and live to party another day.

    Do your best to keep the nutters and “down wi the babylon” warriors away from the OB – they’ll do you no favours (and it’s amazing how big and rebellious folk can be when it’s not their kit in the balance, or not their arse thats gonna be nailed for their actions)…

    As for kit – if you’re going to start outdoor events with a small rig just be sure and keep an eye on the levels when people are playing – DJ’s get over excited at the best of times (I get them getting over excited on the rig we use at the moment – even while their eyeballs are vibrating to the bass :you_crazy), and it will cost you serious money if you let them keep blowing the kit you do have… When they are overdriving stuff, it makes the kit distort – and nothing will blow a speaker or amp quicker then distortion…






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology What amp should I get for party use?