Party Vibe


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What amp should I get for party use?

Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology What amp should I get for party use?

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  • Well thanks for all that, some really helpful advice.
    I’ll make sure to post any further queries on THIS site in the future; other sites seem to be less helpful…

    as a teenager it would be seen as normal to have a end of exams party or party and cops do tend to give people a chance to pack up and close down the party. my friends got in trouble because they were stubborn and ignored the first warning. However, you are still responsible in both criminal and civil law for the safety of those present, I would choose who you invite to such an event carefully!

    there is unfortunately quite a strong fighting and gang culture amongst teenagers in England today, even those what attend raves – and this has to be kept out of parties for everyones safety.

    GL – yes , i have noticed even in my time a rise round these parts in domestic / group voilence.

    Mm, i concur. Yes i will have to be careful with that.






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Forums Life Computers, Gadgets & Technology What amp should I get for party use?