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What are Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms?

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti What are Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms?

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  • if you don’t have radiators in your house for heating the place then a good place may be the airing cupboard (I think its called a “linen closet” in the USA) which is near or above the hot water cistern; but be careful if you live with your parents or non drug-friendly housemates!

    Munch wrote:
    I find putting them on a plate, then placing an upturned plate over the top (optional), then putting on top of a hot plate or stove for a few minutes works fairly well. Don’t usually bother drying them out though, generally get the stronger varieties like hawaiian that are strong enough without needing dried.

    proper heat screws the pcylocybin or what ever, so heating on the stove is a badun…if you did over the lowest heat, and had plenty of kitchen paper/tissue you might be alright.

    for preferance, follow the loon, but kitchen paper/newspaper on some kind of mesh gets well crispuns.

    having said that, the chunky hawaiian/tasmanian style phat caps have been munched wet by myself a couple o times… i found it a mish, but depends on your taste.

    My favorite way to get mashed is ith tea, dry mushies in pre-boiled quite-hot but NOT boiling water on the stove, couple of fruit teas, some cinnamon, honey and a couple of buds ground in at the end. give it a minute or four off the heat, strain and serve, or dont and munch the remnants. tasty

    how did everyone do in this years libertycap harvest? couple of my freinds did ok, but didnt make it out myself…i heard that potency goes in four year cycles, any cred to that?

    happy tripping!

    USE wrote:
    proper heat screws the pcylocybin

    how did everyone do in this years libertycap harvest? couple of my freinds did ok, but didnt make it out myself…i heard that potency goes in four year cycles, any cred to that

    yah.. heat=bad

    this year was a searchers year

    3 year cycles are the way liberty caps grow…

    USE… i’ll put you in touch ith Dr Werp if you like… he’s a proper mycoligist
    or see some of my posts about growing strains yourself….

    They were on heat for maybe a minute or so? Dried them out in the warmish kitchen for half an hour or so afterwards, stuck half of them (60g) into a brew and we chomped the rest and it gave us a mighty strong trip, considering they were just bog standard Thai shrooms.


    if all you wanted to do was brew, why’d you ask about drying

    what a nuisance

    I didn’t ask anything about drying :confused: I just gave some ideas, and mentioned that we put some in a brew to make a bit of a change. Sorry if that irritates you so greatly, but it worked fine for us.

    ooooops, sory munch

    HUGS in your general direction

    i vacpak em, but failing that eat em by the thow, failing that silva foil on a warm surface till they crisp, then powder the babies,same vibe!

    mybe? see, please ===>

    i agree with loon news paper is the way to do it even when pickin try to use a paper bag because plastic will make them sweat! which is bad proper heat is also bad because they sweat and lose all the good juices.

    me and my mates picked around 10,000 this season alot of fun

    Putting the shrooms in honey really works…
    A great way to keep them. [If u Like Honey] 😉

    gism wrote:
    me and my mates picked around 10,000 this season alot of fun

    you lucky devils… i spent lots of time in the rain, but i think devon was just too warm until the frost came this year… i didn’t find any large quantities… spent hours nose to the sheep shit for just a few hundred

    are golden teacher good shrooms me and my freinds jus grew sum n wer now dryin them out on top of my mates cupboard on newspaper

    spent hours nose to the sheep shit for just a few

    loon where do u go pickin? cos i live on dartmoor and it was good right up to the end of the season

    Unregistered wrote:
    spent hours nose to the sheep shit for just a few

    loon where do u go pickin? cos i live on dartmoor and it was good right up to the end of the season

    I was picking around Chagford, Meldon, Fernworthy and all over the high moor near the Warren Inn…

    there were enough to get high, but some years I’ve picked hundreds in minutes flat… too many people picking the moor these days… i always try to flick the shrooms as i’m picking to help shake out the spores and try not to pick ones that are too small or haven’t opened

    got any spare? 😉






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti What are Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms?