I’m listening to emnm fanominal, awesome new beat
New Slipknot, and some Blackberry Smoke
At around 27:40 does anyone know if the vocal is from an actual tune or just one of his own?
^^^^^What a bloody star (when she’s not telling me off).
this regularly gets played on the NL pirate stations – older than I am but a lot more rock and roll than most Schlager (it still has 3 key changes!)
I’ve only just managed to track it down – unfortunately WMG won’t allow it to embed here and apparently the Germans cannot view the film at all.
When it was first released it was banned in Soviet East Germany as “anti-Soviet” but also on Bavaria regional Radio as apparently the grammar in the title was incorrect (in spite of Bavarians normally speaking a different dialect from Hochdeutsch anyway).
I can understand now why the middle aged folk in DE and NL run those pirate stations today :laugh_at:
Verschiedentlich wird behauptet, der Aufzählung Marmor, Stein und Eisen habe richtigerweise das Verb in der Pluralform brechen statt in der Singularform bricht zu folgen; wegen dieses angeblichen Fehlers sei das Lied im Bayerischen Rundfunk sogar lange Zeit nicht gespielt worden.
Bad video, but the only one I could find that wasn’t censored :sign0080:
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