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    Sorry, kasabians self titled album!

    In am watching Watian- Opus Diaboli. My favorite Heavy Metal band

    We’re not fucking around today…..

    I got my new e-bike yesterday (my original one from 2009 has done about 8 500 km and various bits of it are starting to act up to the point where it is a traffic hazard…) – as this new one has the correct Euro-plate (complete with “Great Britain” at the top of the label) it means I can eventually do my Euro-Tour (probably when I turn 45); starting at NL and then crossing to DE and maybe either AT or DK (depending which is easiest to get to, and whether e-bikes are allowed on trains for longer distances).

    I am definitely going to try this route though the chorus means “I have nothing to whinge about even if anyone hassles me as because my tyres are well inflated so I can just cycle somewhere else” – although their “short” bike ride is 80km and crosses the border from NL to DE (at which point the singer isn’t sure to go left or right, at the time it was made Germany forbade google mapping) and then back to NL.

    wie döt mij wat, wie döt mij wat wie döt mij wat vandage ‘k heb de banden vol met wind nee ik heb ja niks te klagen wie döt mij wat, wie döt mij wat wie döt mij wat vandage ‘k zol haost zeggen, jao het mag wel zo

    ‘k trap de fietse deur ‘t buulzand hen op ‘n zandpad langs de Duutse grens ik denk da’k dalijk even kieken gao in’t buutenland de gruppe over, op naor Schöningsdorf ik stao eben te kieken bij’n iemenkörf en ik stao hier even te denken wat za’k nou doen links of recht deur
    it is also sung very fast in Gronings to the point that folk in Amsterdam cannot often understand it.

    BTW if you go the correct way after crossing the border takes you back to NL via Groningen. The wrong way will lead you some kilometers into a very rural part of Germany; other than some houses for watching birds and the odd farm there seems to be nothing there other than a Vietnamese/Cambodian restaurant which advertises on its website only in Dutch with some English.

    I had wondered how on earth they stayed in business, although I expect quite a few Dutch cyclists make the wrong turning; and at least the first generations of the restaurant workers know exactly what it is like to be lost several km into a foreign country , knackered and starving hungry :laugh_at:

    The concept of an open border never fails to blow my mind.

    You notice it more when you go from Northern Ireland to Ireland because everything turns to kms and Euros and mother fucking toll roads!! Pay taxes for the roads you thick cunts


    translations of the first bit is below; although the second bit is harder and my Latin is half-forgotten 😥

    O Fortuna
    velut luna
    statu variabilis,
    semper crescis
    aut decrescis;
    vita detestabilis
    nunc obdurat
    et tunc curat
    ludo mentis aciem,
    dissolvit ut glaciem.

    O Fortune,
    like the moon
    you are changeable,
    ever waxing
    and waning;
    hateful life
    first oppresses
    and then soothes
    as fancy takes it;
    and power
    it melts them like ice.

    Sors immanis
    et inanis,
    rota tu volubilis,
    status malus,
    vana salus
    semper dissolubilis,
    et velata
    michi quoque niteris;
    nunc per ludum
    dorsum nudum
    fero tui sceleris.

    Fate – monstrous
    and empty,
    you whirling wheel,
    you are malevolent,
    well-being is vain
    and always fades to nothing,
    and veiled
    you plague me too;
    now through the game
    I bring my bare back
    to your villainy.

    Sors salutis
    et virtutis
    michi nunc contraria,
    est affectus
    et defectus
    semper in angaria.
    Hac in hora
    sine mora
    corde pulsum tangite;
    quod per sortem
    sternit fortem,
    mecum omnes plangite!

    Fate is against me
    in health
    and virtue,
    driven on
    and weighted down,
    always enslaved.
    So at this hour
    without delay
    pluck the vibrating strings;
    since Fate
    strikes down the strong man,
    everyone weep with me![3]

    Fortune plango vulnera
    stillantibus ocellis
    quod sua mihi munera
    subtrahit rebellis.
    Verum est, quod legitur,
    fronte capillata,
    sed plerumque sequitur
    Occasio calvata.

    ** I think this bit has a double meaning; as some interpretations refer to the Goddess Fortuna having hair in front but bald and the back- although it could equally be interpreted as the choir (this bit is usually first sung by the male voices) weeping about their own ageing and the onset of baldness (it is a modern version of some middle age music rewritten by a German in the 20th century)

    In Fortune solio
    sederam elatus,
    prosperitatis vario
    flore coronatus;
    quisquid enim florui
    felix et beatus,
    nunc a summo corrui
    gloria privatus.

    Fortune rota volvitur:
    descendo minoratus;
    alter in altum tollitur;
    nimis exaltatus
    rex sedet in vertice
    caveat ruinam!
    nam sub axe legimus
    Hecubam reginam.






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