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      me who’s gotta go now 🙂

      Have a good afternoon and don’t eat it all. you’ll end up spending the night on the toilet :lol_big:

      Have a good afternoon wherever you’re off to. I’ll try not to be a piggy 🙂

      listening to the new astral projection album

      Oh god you are a hippy.

      How was your concert the other night?

      good … some kid hit the floor and had some sort of mini comotase siezure in the doorway getting out of the venue after the show but his friends were there and i’m not a doctor so i just walked around him. lol

      Not nice to see those things but what can you do? Glad you enjoyed it mate.

      yeah, i mean if you get too fucked up to that point its your fault and most everyone else is hella screwed up to so i doubt you’re gonna get ideal 1st aid from anyone in the crowd. i wonder if he ended up going to the hotspew after. he looked like he was on wayy too many downers be it just alcohol or alcohol + other stuff. but i wasn’t really fearing for his life, he didn’t seem to be that far gone, otherwise i’d have suggested that his friends call 911.

      Should have stood there and given him a lecture.

      the best i’ve ever seen is someone get busted by security or the cops and this little hippie trying to fight off six big dudes.

      even with good samaritan laws in place i wasn’t eager to help this fool. and i didn’t feel like asking his friends what he took yada yada. oh and i’m not in the medical field so i’d be useless

      but yes i should have lectured him and his crew on the dangers of drugs, then asked if they knew anyone i could score off of

      HAHAHA. If only kids could see drugs as dangerous instead of just exciting. Might make for far fewer inexperienced people go to far.

      yup, its hardly ever the experienced user who ends up the hospital

      Wrong thread.






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