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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • Too much bugle!! Fucking buzzing my nut off!! :crazy:

    if one were to want to syntheticly add shine to cocaine, what might he want to use?


      Not his brain for sure :yakk:

      if u really wana be a cunt just spray it with hairspray and let it dry it will then look like the shine.

      there is some new stuff going around london called ”Magic” it has fake shine. Even if it is shiney dusnt mean its negood, 1 of the best ways to test apart from actually sniffin some is to rub a small bit between ur fingers if its oily its generally good.

      Shit on it?

      I dont get why you would want to?



      i have seen coke that had fish scales added to it to make it look like it was the real deal. Fucking wierd. Looked really good, but you could just lift the shiney bits off of it with a knife. Giving advice on how to cut coke i dont mind, but giving advice on obviously trying to rip people off i think you should go get fucked personally mate. Unless you’ve bought some and been ripped off, in which case i apolagise(sp). Good coke should generally have a strong smell, flake when broken, not really hurt too much when going up and take about 5/10 mins before you start to go numb otherwise its probably had novacaine added to it.

      Purify it? :biggreen:

      Raj wrote:
      Purify it? :biggreen:

      or just don’t buy shit coke.

      Cheap coke is usually shite and while you may fool your punters with it once or twice you ain’t gona be getting a regular client base by selling shiny coke.

      First, let me give you a bit of background information. I am a 21 year old male and I have been using cocaine for about 1 year. I would consider my use as recreational. Over the past year there would be months where I would not even touch the drug. Then, months when I was using, I would do about 6 lines on just one day of the week and wouldnt touch it for at least another week. However, this month, I have used once a week for 4 weeks. This is where my problem has started….

      Last wednesday after being out almost all night using cocaine and drinking alcohol, I came home and began coming off of the drug. The next day, at about 5 pm, my heart rate shot up without warning to 120 beats per minute. Needless to say, I was freaked out but decided to wait it out and eventually it went down to 80 beats per minute.

      However, every once in a while, I will think about it and it can cause the heart to go back up to the 120 beats per minute. I decided to go to the emergency room where they gave me a EKG and did some blood and urine work. They said the EKG showed an abnormal rhythm with my heart. The blood and urine work actually showed up negative for cocaine and everything else just 4 days after having used.

      I left the emergency room with a diagnosis from the ER doctor. He said I have heart palpitations. They also told me that the effects of the cocaine could still be effecting my system even though blood and urine showed up negative for cocaine. It has been about 6 days since I used cocaine. I feel like I have swallowed a bunch of diet pills. I feel drained.

      I am hoping that my heart palpitations will eventually stop. If not, I will be getting referred to a specialist to have an echogram done on my heart.

      Please, if anybody has any insight on this matter, please help. Will my heart palpiations stop? Will the effects eventually leave my system? Did I just get a bad batch of cocaine? I’m desperate for help.


        Not sure if you got a bad batch..

        Cocaine isn’t good for anybody..

        Normally cocaine can be found in an urine sample 48-72 hours depending on how much you have taken..

        Can sometimes be found in a urine sample more that 10-14 days after, if your a heavily user..

        Some of the short term effects

        Cocaine’s effects appear almost immediately after a single dose, and disappear within a few minutes or hours. Taken in small amounts (up to 100 mg), cocaine usually makes the user feel euphoric, energetic, talkative, and mentally alert, especially to the sensations of sight, sound, and touch. It can also temporarily decrease the need for food and sleep. Some users find that the drug helps them to perform simple physical and intellectual tasks more quickly, while others can experience the opposite effect.

        Long term effects

        Cocaine is a powerfully addictive drug. Once having tried cocaine, an individual may have difficulty predicting or controlling the extent to which he or she will continue to use the drug. Cocaine’s stimulant and addictive effects are thought to be primarily a result of its ability to inhibit the reabsorption of dopamine by nerve cells. Dopamine is released as part of the brain’s reward system, and is either directly or indirectly involved in the addictive properties of every major drug of abuse.

        Medical effects

        There are enormous medical complications associated with cocaine use. Some of the most frequent complications are cardiovascular effects, including disturbances in heart rhythm and heart attacks; such respiratory effects as chest pain and respiratory failure; neurological effects, including strokes, seizure, and headaches; and gastrointestinal complications, including abdominal pain and nausea.

        Hope you’ll be okay..Cocaine is a shit drug

        The devils dandruff!

        i have had 2 mates that i can think of go into hospital with the same kind of story and symptoms …. both not HEAVY users of coke .. but did it semi often ….
        i remember one told me the doctors had said he was having heart flutters .. where it beats randomly for a second every now and then …. the other i cant remember .. but iirc it was something similar….any stimulant …. will have some kind of effect on your heart … i have had alot of problems after doing stimulants where i get pains in my chest and shit stupidly high bpm’s. …… i just ignor it … but you should cut down or stop use if it does shit like that to you or you might be playing with your life ..

        Thats your heart kicking off and misbehaving after using the coke – personally I would qut taking it and stay off it for at least 6 months and see how it goes. It doesnt sound nice anyway :hopeless: and I would seriously consider not taking it again.






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      Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?