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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • I dont get much of a buzz from charley but I still like it…Only bought it once,i find things are alot nicer if they’re free!

    i have done but ive also seen the bad effects too in the last two years ive seen normally decent freind turn in to lick arse,s just to get a bit aswell shooting in my cty (dublin) has gotten out of control you would be afaid to bump of someone in case you got shot the amout of power tripping of power that go,s with it is unreal

    snow is good in holidays & weekend parties as long as you don’t “abuse” it
    meaning once in awhile is fine but everyday is not ok …. but everyone knows
    that once your drinking you can’t help it … one , two , three , four lines
    you don’t stop till you run out of snow or till you run out of money…..

    coke gets a thumbs down from me – i still take it, boyfriend likes it so, ahem join in or ….erm well join in.

    dont like it though – makes me quiet and boring.

    too expensive, I think it’s a blokes’ drug really, maybe because of the macho price.

    people say speed is the poor mans coke. At least with speed u have a bloody good time before u feel like shit rather than feeling like shit from the first snort onwards. In fact, I often think whilst taking coke…hmmmm..almost like speed…but doesn’t quite hit the mark.

    giving up after new year….honest!!!

    I agree with the majority, I dont like spending money on coke unless its with a combo of other stuff like cant beat coke and pills.
    Coke is just far too expansive for the hardly even there buzz, and yes i’m greedy with my coke which is so not me and I hate it
    I also prefer speed to coke anyday, however i’m missing a drug that I cant seem to get hold of over here called crystal meth and that is 20 times better than coke and speed put together + its about half the price of coke. If I cud find that over here, I never do coke again ( unless it was offered)

    space_genie wrote:
    however i’m missing a drug that I cant seem to get hold of over here called crystal meth

    methamphetamine is rare in the UK

    luckily… i think we’d be starting more than war with Iraq if meth was readily available 😮

    Okay so it makes you chatty which in a sense isen’t unsociable, But the other week it was all me and my friend could get hold of and I found myself saying
    ” dont tell anyone else we have got it because i dont want to share it” for me drugs are all about sharing with your friends and experiencing things but with coke you dont do it coz its just to darn expensive!! I think it just defeats the object of drug taking!! needles to say we ended up getting some lovely pills that night and was buzzing all night not just for the hour or so in which the coke lasted!! great night and saved money to!!! 🙂

    coke is too expensive, which seems the to be the majority veiw especially as you can get a much, much better buzz(or trip,whatever you’re into) on something thats half the price. Luckily(for my bank balance) i’ve never had a particular problem with chang, but i definatly agree that it tends to make me pretty greedy and secretive when i have it too. Like ‘skattyasfuk’ said, i never want to tell anyone i have it because i don’t want to share it, also, if you, for example, buy a gram of coke at the start of an evening, you know damn well that you’re not going have any left the next morning because there’ll be no particular logic behind it but you’ll be left with a £50 hole in your pocket and not much to show for it. MDMA may cost roughly the same as coke but i had a much better time on it and i didn’t seem to make as much of a prick of myself as i do when i’ve done coke, so all in all, coke is ok for special occasions(birthdays etc.) but i don’t it’s as good when you do it all the time.

    coke is too expensive, which seems the to be the majority veiw especially as you can get a much, much better buzz(or trip,whatever you’re into) on something thats half the price. Luckily(for my bank balance) i’ve never had a particular problem with chang, but i definatly agree that it tends to make me pretty greedy and secretive when i have it too. Like ‘skattyasfuk’ said, i never want to tell anyone i have it because i don’t want to share it, also, if you, for example, buy a gram of coke at the start of an evening, you know damn well that you’re not going have any left the next morning because there’ll be no particular logic behind it but you’ll be left with a £50 hole in your pocket and not much to show for it. MDMA may cost roughly the same as coke but i had a much better time on it and i didn’t seem to make as much of a prick of myself as i do when i’ve done coke, so all in all, coke is ok for special occasions(birthdays etc.) but i don’t think it’s as good when you do it all the time.

    I take cocaine occaisonally, in the past six months I’ve probably taken it every other weekend if its a big night out. It doesn’t bother me if I don’t have it. I really don’t feel the need to go out and buy some right now!! I just don’t get that urge. Ever. It’s always a good high, sometimes particularly mood lifting, if your feeling a little tired or pissed off. Coke hasn’t ruined my life, exersize self control, and you will be fine. I haven’t had any coke for, god knows, six weeks and I’m not craving it at all. Don’t drink too much alcohol when ur on coke though peeps, that can really fuck you up. Renal and cardio wise you are 20 times more likely to suffer serious organ damage when mixing coke with alcohol.

    Unregistered wrote:
    coke has ruined my life

    i don’t know what the effects are because they don’t happen any more. i have to take it to feel normal.

    don’t do it. i hate my best friends because i get all paranoid. i have £2.50 to my name and lots of debts. The £2.50 came from a refund from a vending machine. I lied about the amount to get more money.

    if you take coke it’s your only friend. A hated one too, of course.

    To those who say “it’s all in the mind”:
    Yes, and how much do you value your mind? It’s all you are.

    my life is shit
    don’t do coke

    my life is shit
    don’t do coke

    my life is shit
    don’t do coke

    I started to do cocain when I was like 16 , I tried it with my best friend and my girl friend . It was awesome , pure and I realy liked it . I don`t do it every day , only once in 1 weeks maybe , but when I do it , I buy a lot =)
    Trying to quit too , but I guess it`s not working out for me at this time .

    I remember the first time I done chazz I was in a fucking ace frame of mind… the only downer was that I couldnt sleep but fuck it when ur feeling this good who wants to sleep. then came the summer and I started hammering it everyday until it became it stupid I wasnt getting into debt although i was payin the 40’s but i was making fast money else where. After a while the buzz got worse and worse n i needed more to get that buzz back. I started getting all emotional when i was off it and when I was on it I was so self aware i felt like i stood out a mile. I felt out of place every where I went. It was the worst drug I’ve experienced to be honest due to the sheer addictivness of it and the way it changes you without you knowing. Everyone you know whose a straight head notices but you think they dont understand and all the rest of it… Coke is a mugs game unless done in moderation…but who can do snow in moderation…..

    space_genie wrote:
    I also prefer speed to coke anyday, however i’m missing a drug that I cant seem to get hold of over here called crystal meth and that is 20 times better than coke and speed put together + its about half the price of coke. If I cud find that over here, I never do coke again ( unless it was offered)

    You need to get diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I have ADD and have been prescibed various different stimulants over the years. The drug Adderall for example is pharmacologically pure methamphetamine, aka crystal meth. The medicinal dose is tiny so what you do is don’t take the pills for a week then you have enough for a night out!

    coke? i take it occasionally, and when i do i do it in large amounts, with my best friends, and i like making a fool of myself when im on it, coz i dont normally do that. but i do feel for the peeps on here that have a bad time on it. i have been there in the past, but not now. its just an irregular treat for me, and i like it that way….

    i saw on another website that a girl sniffed advil and i was just wandering if that really works and if you can do it, as like an alternative to coke?






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?