Forums › Drugs › Cocaine & Crack › What is Cocaine?
How is everyone doing. Im pretty confused right now.
I have been experimenting with cocaine for about 3 years now. Just today I purchased what was supposed to be a G of white but I was dissapointed to see the bagwas very weak. I would say it was about .6.
My Question: I know a good amount about this drug but theres always someone who knows more. I started snorting this stuff 3pm today and I finished it around 11:30- 12, which was a few hours ago.
The high was very good. I was actually pretty happy and it looked pretty legit. It was very white with a decent amount of crystals(fish scales).
MY concern is this: The entire Time I did not crave another line. The High peaked very nicely and lasted about 40min with no crash. After every few lines I was actually able to eat.It is now 3am and all I am feeling is moody.
Normally after I do cocaine and I used to use it everyday for about 8months about 2 years ago(I know bad times) I would get severe paranoia and depression. I could not sleep and I was never hungry.
What the hell is going on? Is this really pure stuff? Is this cut with some other drug? Or maybe this isnt even cocaine!?!
PS: When I tasted the cocaine my mouth went numb. But in my opinion it tasted alittle bit different to me. It could just be better coke but im not sure.
What do you guys think?
perhaps a tollerance? Or varyence as coke is ushally cut to shit so could have a range of things in it perhaps? Or other drugs you have taken/drunk? or your perception was a bit out because of the rugs and what not? If your new to it and if done a fair bit recently perhaps youv just had your honeymoon period as it were? (assuming such a thing is possible with coke i not sure really, i know it happens with weed lol)
I dont know. I dont think thats it. I took about 80mgs of adderall 2 days before this but I doubt that was it.
I felt a comedown but like I said it was depression free-paranoia free except I got alittle bit moody but it wasnt bad. The moody part lasted about 2 hours.
I did cocaine about 3 times in the past month I doubt I have a tolerance.
Im still stumped.:cry:
I just wanna find out if it was very pure or maybe it was shitty cocaine and Im losing it. But my mouth got to numb and the high was pretty decent.
A few people suggested it was great cocaine or maybe it was cut with heroin or meth(people online) but in my opinion that woukd make the comedown ten times worse than coke alone.
cut with heroin is a possibility. once i got really really drunk sniffed a gram of coke then to come down i snorted 3 30mg di-hydrocodeines, i had no hangover whatsoever in the morning, i actually felt amazing! better than a normal wake up
Its not tollerance exactly, i ment perhaps its like how Mandy is never as good as the first few times and after a while smoking weed the effects do seem to change (when i used to smoke the stuff i found i never got the giggles or other silly effects after the first year). *shrugs* drug effects rnt an exact science i spose, or they are but theres too many variables. Good luck in your quest for knowledge 🙂
Sounds like good coke to me.
I would agree with this but the reason why I keep questiong this is because I have used coke from many different suppliers so I know good from bad. Also I have had cocaine where the high was much greater. Maybe Im putting to much thought into this.
Maybe its decently pure and thats whjy 50 only got me like I said around .6…. When I asked for a G and saw the weight I was tempted to call the service back and make shit straight. I dont mess around. But after I tried it I was very hesitant.
good cokes normally sold .6/7 around my way, gotta pay extra for a full gram
if it looked all shiny and you went numb after snorting it after about 10 minutes it sounds like good coke. also people do not cut coke with smack or meth i wouldnt think as they are expensive. your much more likely to have it cut with glucose, mannitol or some kind of dentist drug that makes you go numb, but doesnt give you the high..
Hey all , im do little experimenting. Im been playing around with Procaine . Trying to cook it with cocaine and turning it into rock . Anyone know how to proper do this? been loosing my product. maybe im burning it or something??
No don’t know, drugs are illegal and bad for you.
some person i have as a friend on facbook is in a relationship with …… Charlie Caine (it’s an actual person lol) :weee::laugh_at:
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Forums › Drugs › Cocaine & Crack › What is Cocaine?