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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • ‘do i even want her to stop using it’

    well earlier you did say you dunno if you want/can continue your relationship with her when she is doing it…

    @ConfusedBoyfriend 364415 wrote:

    Overanalyse? Dude I analyze EVERYTHING, its in my nature!! 😉

    i also have this problem, majorly 🙂

    i allow it to settle in and analyse for a while, perhaps my knowledge can expand.

    then i make a decision with a simple boolean game, for example flipping a coin, or ibble obble

    @ConfusedBoyfriend 364415 wrote:

    I’m lucky enough to not need a lot of sleep and rarely if ever suffer hangovers….so I can be up early-ish the next day after a big night and enjoy a run or game of squash etc….but inevitably she cannot…and that sort of active healthy lifestyle is the sort of future I want for me and my partner…..

    Ahhh, there you go then. Give her an extra nudge in the morning and remind her that you were both going out to do whatever. She’ll get up and do it with a hangover and next time she may think that doing too much charlie the night before doesn’t make for an enjoyable whatever the following morning. She may rein it in a bit off her own back?

    @p0ly 364416 wrote:

    ‘do i even want her to stop using it’

    well earlier you did say you dunno if you want/can continue your relationship with her when she is doing it…

    true but my feeling there is more of a “long term” thing….like if/when we live together, marry, start a family etc…..if that makes any sense….

    End of the day, I love her very much, we are extremely close and she is very special to me…..this is really the only thing that concerns/disturbs me 🙁

    i’m sure kids + marriage would make her grow out of her cocaine usage. how much does she usually spend when she does it.

    @olboy 364419 wrote:

    Ahhh, there you go then. Give her an extra nudge in the morning and remind her that you were both going out to do whatever. She’ll get up and do it with a hangover and next time she may think that doing too much charlie the night before doesn’t make for an enjoyable whatever the following morning. She may rein it in a bit off her own back?

    hahahaha yeah well that’s a thought and it only impinged on a planned thing once and we talked about it and got past it…..anyway she only does it occasionally (recently a bit more but have just been a lot of birthday parties etc)….I’ll be suprised if she does anymore before New Year

    I’ve even pondered whether I should try it so that maybe I can then be a bit more informed…I don’t desire to but kindof feel I should if I’m going to have an “issue” with it!!

    don’t do it mate, it’s crap!! proper crap

    my friend bought a gram yesterday (40 quid) and i got half of it (probaly abit more) and the small high it gives isn’t worth the downer or the hole in your pocket.

    just my opinion anyway.

    Oh not much….for instance 5 of them shared 2 grams on Sat night I think….(I know literally nothing of drug culture lol…but I think thats not much??)

    lol @ not doing it….doubt I will…..I’m addicted to endorphins, I get a really awesome buzz running or cycling or playing squash for hours and collapsing in a sweaty heap after….thats MY high in life!

    @ConfusedBoyfriend 364424 wrote:

    I’ve even pondered whether I should try it so that maybe I can then be a bit more informed…I don’t desire to but kindof feel I should if I’m going to have an “issue” with it!!

    I have an issue with people who have strong opinion on a subject or substance 😉 they’ve never tried… but you seem quite ambivalent about it, “leave those who do it to it”. So, as p0ly has said don’t do it, it REALLY isn’t worth it, you ain’t missing anything. Why risk liking it and then loosing out on all those endorphins and money!

    continue with the endorphin hit, it’s so much better than coke.

    + when you try coke you feel the need to do a line even though it won’t do anything but make you feel worse in 30 mins. (i usually feel worse after 5 mins unless i do alot when i’m drunk)

    Well thats my opinion as well….I’ve been around “illegal” drug users my whole life (indeed one of my earliest memories is a xmas morning being slightly ruined by the fact there were 20 unconscious hippies in my lounge when I got up at 5am all excited lol) and to be honest never once seen evidence that my life would be enhanced by partaking….but I do love a good belgian beer….so each to their own is my mantra…

    @p0ly 364405 wrote:

    they both use drugs :laugh_at:

    alcohol isnt a drug, its a drink ;P

    Sorry dude don’t agree, as far as I’m concerned anything that alters brain chemistry is a drug. Therefore, for the purposes of this thread….we are both drug users. Mine just happens to be legal, in liquid form and heavily taxed by the government (oh and more harmful from a “numbers standpoint” than all other drugs combined…)

    @ConfusedBoyfriend 364435 wrote:

    Sorry dude don’t agree, as far as I’m concerned anything that alters brain chemistry is a drug. Therefore, for the purposes of this thread….we are both drug users. Mine just happens to be legal, in liquid form and heavily taxed by the government (oh and more harmful from a “numbers standpoint” than all other drugs combined…)

    Mmmmm, partial to a few pints of wife-beater myself

    @olboy 364437 wrote:

    Mmmmm, partial to a few pints of wife-beater myself

    Ah yes Stella Artois….have you tried any proper Trappist beers? I can recommend a few….ok going off topic here, message me if you want to start a (long) conversation about beers…..I can start you on a long and glorious path of exploration…mmmmm






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?