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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • @ConfusedBoyfriend 364593 wrote:

    it could just be an atypical spike….

    Yes, it is important to distinguish between an occasional habit, or a phase that she is very likely to eventually move on from, and a habit that takes over and gets in the way of living a normal life. I can’t help thinking, based on your initial comments, that you are over-reacting to her. Although this might represent a sub-conscious desire to not repeat your own drug-centric childhood experiences.

    Yes, it’s a distinct possibility that I am over-reacting….the good news that all this discussion on here is (a) making me feel a bit more comfortable with it all and (b) helping me to be more rational and less emotional about it all….

    I am thinking the test kit I mentioned would REALLY settle my concerns….if I knew the stuff was not harmful physically (in the occasional quantities she has) I’m sure I’d be hugely more comfortable with it

    Can I just also express how much I really appreciate everyone’s feedback, input & humour….thanks guys….really helping a drug noob in love here….

    the coke she gets will be about 20-30% pure

    And you can’t test how pure it is unless you have a entire home-based science lab. and last dude round here what had one had his entire house turned over by both Metpol and Norfolk anti-terrorist units, and all he was doing was looking at completely harmless and innocent substances on microscopes..

    Try to get her into psychedelics instead, much more character building and dont damage your health if used responsibly. hell, maybe you’d enjoy a trip now and then.

    @Iacchus 364433 wrote:

    alcohol isnt a drug, its a drink ;P

    brass eye ftw

    coke is pretty poo, take away the o and put an a

    cake is unbeatable

    lol i like cake =D

    Think coke has its uses especially when alchohol is involved or the night after the night before to perk you up a bit.
    The only problem is getting hold of some decent stuff. Round here its all young lads trying to make a quick few quid selling it so it gets cut to fuck.

    Last time I got a couple of grams whilst out for a quite one I was in bed by about 2am fast asleep. When we used to get decent coke we would be up for days putting the world to rights, the shit you get nowdays just spaces me out a bit then makes me sleepy.

    @globalloon 343629 wrote:

    I was given something labelled as “Shake N Vac” at the weekend. I was told it was like a legal coke but about half a gram just gave me a warm, settled feeling

    for anyone who is searching for ‘shake n’ vac’ this mystery powder that is going around headshops for stupidly hefty prices, it’s basically sold as ‘herbal cocaine’ the only thing herbal is that it was derived from a khat plant after being exposed through a shitload of chemical process… likr someone said before its Mephedrone, which is built around similar ways as MDMA FRANK – MCAT
    btw am i the only one to whom it seems that ‘talk to frank’ advertises drugs more than anything else its tryin to do?

    Yes please.

    Hi guys,

    Just wanted to say my story and my experience with coke and how i got to where I am now,

    It all started when i moved to down to Brighton over 2 years ago with my then girlfriend, new job new life, new surroundings and totally different atmosphere to London. Things were going great, making new friends in different social circles, even though have dabbled in puff and other class A’s before I didn’t really touch coke that much.

    Started on a night out with a work friend and he pulled some out and offered so thought yeah why not, that was the start of rapid descent to hell.

    Overtime had been offered to me and my work friend, again he pulled more coke out and said this will help us get through the evening, we ended up staying at work till gone 11, this was repeated quite a few times a week.

    Waking up the following morning was like being run over by a train, aches and pains, tiredness, sensitive to day light, wierd thoughts going through my head, as soon as got to work I felt i needed a little pick me up, so called my dealer to drop some gear off, sorted! Now by this point I was thinking “You need to stop this habit of yours” it was more when can get my next hit and without my girlfriend knowing, see, she was as straight as anything, hardly drank, completely against drugs so for me it was more of well i may as well do it while i’m work, she wont know. I went on like this for about 18 months, going out on weekend binges, lying to my girlfriend saying i was drunk and passed out, going to work and needing 2g a day just to get me through, all the while still not recognising my habit.

    Now for some reason this year in May I must have woken up to what I was doing, no money working all hours just to feed a habit, relationship in tatters so came clean to everyone around me. No surprise really that my girlfriend left me, who can blame her!
    All responsibilities had gone out the window, late payments, always overdrawn, bills being paid late, but I was still going out caning it even harder than what i had been, a gram would last 10mins and was always on the chase and eventually it came to the point where I just didn’t want to go on like this anymore.

    I had lost the one person I loved the most, lost the nicest flat I could ever have had, all material things that were saved up and paid for had gone, I was begining to realise my social circle and so called close friends were just on it for the free coke.

    Somehow I always managed to have some on a daily basis and not small amounts either.

    So the thoughts started to set in, how could I end this all, overdose, jump off the pier, slit wrists, jump in front of a train, I just couldn’t bare it anymore but to me this was an easy way out, I had fucked my own life up so I had claw it all back again and get back into some sort of routine, so just left Brighton and all the shit behind me went back to London and am now slowly getting my life back on track.

    Its been 5months now since moving back to London and everyday is a struggle, the cravings were bad to a point where I was going to move back to Brighton but I saw sense, I’ve had a little dabble now and again but atleast now I feel i can control it or I hope so anyway!

    After all that I’ve managed to hold down a full time job, still in contact with my ex but the hardest part is the depression, I feel as though I’m not the same person as what I used to be, short attention span, the things that used to make my juices flow mean nothing to me, old hobbies and interests have taken a back burner but am slowly getting back into it all.

    Anyway that was my true experience with it, I still miss the buzz and the mad nights out but I certainly dont miss the nasty habit that went with it.

    Cheers for sharing. But fuck me, a life addicted to coke must be shitty, knowingly buying something that is sooo expensive for a 30 minute high. Plus coke turns you in to a self centred cunt. Move on and atart a fresh, just don’t touch Mephedrone.

    You are definitely right, i think self centered cunt is quite a polite way of describing what coke does to you, some can handle it but most that use it are all ME ME ME!

    To be honest was quite intrigued with Mephedrone but having an addictive personality think i will stay well clear

    Take my advice and stay well clear of Mehedrone. A recovering coke addict then trying Meph is stupid beyond words. You think finding is bad on coke, meph is alot worse in my opinion. Not me personally as I try to stay clear of it, but I have seen people turn in to hopeless meph freaks. Meph is also cheap as fook and as you live in London you can get it delivered to your door, 1 hour after ordering it. Stay clear mate.

    What was the quality of the coke you was getting?






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?