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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • that’s bad man, how did u not realise 2g a day was a bad habit? I guess if everyone else is doing the same it seems normal, a big problem in the rave scene with K.

    Glad u sorted urself out best of luck

    TheLostOne- Some of the stories I’ve heard about regarding meph doesn’t interest me at all, if there was one drug that I enjoyed it would have to mushrooms, ah good times.
    To be honest the coke quality varied, being in Brighton its very easy to source and probably had about 6 or 7 dealers to choose from, but the main 2 i was using it was very good quality, one of them actually stopped dealing(he ended up being a crack head) and is now on methadone.

    1984- When you are a coke head mate, you become so arrogant and blinded by everything, you kid yourself thinking that this is the last line I’m gonna have for a while till you wake up the next day craving and you dont want to run out so half a g turned to 1 then 1.5g then 2g that was just the weekdays, weekends were a different matter altogether.
    And another factor was everybody was on it at work too, not to the point of doing it at work but sometimes I’d be staying on late at work and my boss would come in and rack up on my bench(cabinet maker by trade) so it did seem the norm
    But in all glad to be out of that habit.

    Have you come out of this looking like a mess. Have you lost a lot of weight etc. What is your nose like? Always wandered what 2 grams of ching a day would do to somebody.

    Well a few friends who I hadn’t seen for a year or so reckon i lost a lot of weight, looked gaunt, withdrawn and colourless. Still retain my good looks(joke), the nose thing ie daniella westbrook is a bit of a worry but my nose is still intact, always found sniffing water after reduced the soreness, although still have a constantly runny nose and is quite sensitive when I have a root around.
    I don’t think coke is quite as bad as other drugs when it comes to ravaging your looks but i think crack on the other……..

    Not saying I wouldn’t touch the stuff again its just nice to be able to wake up and not have a line on my mind first thing and being able to control it

    whenever i sniff coke sober i just get a bad anxiety feeling! sounds like a pretty bad place to be and i hope the best for you.

    Thanks for sharing your story mate, its good your getting your life back together. many people never manage.

    If you don’t mind me asking, what did you work as while you were living in Brighton?

    evil shit

    @p0ly 367671 wrote:

    evil shit[/QUOi agree

    @p0ly 367671 wrote:

    evil shit

    and yet you still buy it every new years?

    every = 2 times in my life span?

    @p0ly 367716 wrote:

    every = 2 times in my life span?

    I can relate to that. Rarely touch the stuff me.

    Got spome quite nice stuff on new years eve.£90 a gram, weight up to a gram. Was flake aswell. Blew my knackers off. But always feel guilty after coke. Maybe it is the reason I paid £90 pond for a gram of white powder, mixed with a shitty comedown the next day.

    I got one for 50 squid at the start of xmas, was a .6 but fuck me was well strong and i mean seriously strong stuff. Only had a little bit and didn’t want any more after that. Completely different buzz I’m used to as well so was a proper nice treat!

    coke is wrong.

    @TheLostOne 367725 wrote:

    Got spome quite nice stuff on new years eve.£90 a gram, weight up to a gram. Was flake aswell. Blew my knackers off. But always feel guilty after coke. Maybe it is the reason I paid £90 pond for a gram of white powder, mixed with a shitty comedown the next day.

    90 a g! mental!






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?