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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • @1984 367739 wrote:

    90 a g! mental!

    Man if i paid 90 quid for a whole g, i wouldn’t share it with single soul!

    Imagine all your mates asking for some, two words would spring to mind. Fuck and Off!!! raaa

    @DJCliffy 367763 wrote:

    Man if i paid 90 quid for a whole g, i wouldn’t share it with single soul!

    Imagine all your mates asking for some, two words would spring to mind. Fuck and Off!!! raaa


    90 pound for a g of 100% pure. sounds good

    id make every single one of those lines count!!
    most peeps who offer pure coke are bullshitin. only the peeps at the top eg. those who buy in kgs from the head source get the uncut material.

    I’m having a self imposed ban of the old poodle atm.

    It does fuck all for me these days so i figure a break is in order! raaa

    @Buzz 367558 wrote:

    Thanks for sharing your story mate, its good your getting your life back together. many people never manage.

    If you don’t mind me asking, what did you work as while you were living in Brighton?

    Was working as a Cabinet Maker mate

    I went through a period where i was bang on the poodle. I remember it started off as once a month, then every two weeks, then every weekend, then during the week. Used to end up going for a beer after work (finishing early in the afternoon most days) with my cuz, we’d get pissed and end up getting a couple packets then stay up till the early hours, have a couple hours sleep then go to work.

    I remember the point when i realised i was addicted to it. I got a henry on a Wednesday with the intention of saving it for the weekend. Had a little bit then ended up doing the whole lot. Had the last bit of it about 5 minutes before my cousin picked me up for work at 5am. I was a fucking mess at work and after that vowed to sort myself out.

    I think everyone goes through a self-destructive stage in their lives and you really have to hit rock bottom to put things into perspective.

    @DJCliffy 368582 wrote:

    I went through a period where i was bang on the poodle. I remember it started off as once a month, then every two weeks, then every weekend, then during the week. Used to end up going for a beer after work (finishing early in the afternoon most days) with my cuz, we’d get pissed and end up getting a couple packets then stay up till the early hours, have a couple hours sleep then go to work.

    I remember the point when i realised i was addicted to it. I got a henry on a Wednesday with the intention of saving it for the weekend. Had a little bit then ended up doing the whole lot. Had the last bit of it about 5 minutes before my cousin picked me up for work at 5am. I was a fucking mess at work and after that vowed to sort myself out.

    I think everyone goes through a self-destructive stage in their lives and you really have to hit rock bottom to put things into perspective.

    damn that must have been expensive!

    Yep bloody well expensive.

    Coke is a dirty dirty drug imo, fucks so many people up and drives people into the ground. yet it still doesn’t get the same stigma as something like smack.

    smak psychicaly addictive causes loads of deaths supports the taliban afghan poppy pushers (our sworn enemies) etc etc

    the origins of the drug is hardly a defence, considering that buying coke supports organised crime all over the world and just because it isn’t physically addictive doesn’t make it any better, you still get junkies shooting coke aswell, psychological addiction can be equally as soul destroying as any physical addiction.

    @Buzz 368733 wrote:

    the origins of the drug is hardly a defenceQUOTE]

    this depends on who you ask

    Is this wrong of me but when people say you should think of the damage a drug does to it’s place of origin, i look at it, think about it and tbh it doesn’t really bother me.

    It’s not like me buying or not buying a couple of packets is going to change much in the grand scheme of things.

    It’s like the meat industry. Veggies/hippies say you shouldn’t eat meat as it’s animal ‘murder’ but if the animal is already dead and the meat is there already chopped up what’s the harm in eating it?

    people get shot up due to arguments over money with regard to “party drugs” such as MDMA, particularly in the Netherlands… its one reason why there is a right wing backlash.

    there is now a certain amount of crime/robbery associated with 4-MMC where it is sold on the street because of the money involved.

    someone might not do any coke or drugs, but instead they work hard and buy a high power motor car and live on their own in a big house with the heating turned up way high, and that causes way more damage to the planet and “wars for fuel” than a weekend of drugs..

    in the “real world” all drugs use is stigmatised….






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?