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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • @DJCliffy 368767 wrote:

    Is this wrong of me but when people say you should think of the damage a drug does to it’s place of origin, i look at it, think about it and tbh it doesn’t really bother me.

    It’s not like me buying or not buying a couple of packets is going to change much in the grand scheme of things.

    It’s like the meat industry. Veggies/hippies say you shouldn’t eat meat as it’s animal ‘murder’ but if the animal is already dead and the meat is there already chopped up what’s the harm in eating it?

    most of the worlds heroin comes from certain areas in afghanistan where the taliban control the poppy feilds and make big moneys from selling it, which then I suppose would help to fund the weapons thats killing our army. plus the big big time gear dealers are going to have to deal with these c*nts to setup deals etc which could potentially turn nasty.
    I hear what your sayin though.

    Coke is boring, first 2 lines are fantastic, after that its all dark…moody..then eventually ‘I’m going home guys’.

    I get paranoid as hell on it after the buzz wains off also.

    I used to do it loads because a lot of my mates are dealers, so would give me freebies all the time, some times up to 5 free grams before we go out on the town.

    I used to do it every weekend for about 2 years, sometimes more because the availability of more ‘fun’ drugs wained so it was the only option (and it was always free :P)

    Anyway, when my dealer mate got caught (hes currently doing a stretch in prison) my free coke tap ran out, and i have never been bothered about it, i will only do it if its free, and i never want it unless someone offers it to me…and its social… i don’t find the stuff addictive at all.

    I used to like it when Speed was easy to get hold of around here, we used to get a gram of coke and a gram of base each….snort the coke up all in one gigantic line so its all gone in a few minutes then swallow the whole gram of speed….by the time the coke runs out, the speed kicks in and you feel amazing.

    speeds horrible shit lol

    @CozMik 368769 wrote:

    most of the worlds heroin comes from certain areas in afghanistan where the taliban control the poppy feilds and make big moneys from selling it, which then I suppose would help to fund the weapons thats killing our army. plus the big big time gear dealers are going to have to deal with these c*nts to setup deals etc which could potentially turn nasty.
    I hear what your sayin though.

    They should do unmanned crop dusting, wipe them poppies out!

    @DJCliffy 368786 wrote:

    They should do unmanned crop dusting, wipe them poppies out!

    this was tried before by the Yanks 20 years ago in some countries. it has the nasty consequences it kills all good plants like those what produce grain, fruit and vegetables as well. Then some of the innocent folks starve, and those what do not get extremely pissed off with the “invaders” and then they feel they have nothing to lose from committing more acts of terrorism.

    yeah i mean coke is pretty fucking shit (like all stims) but the speed comedown is a long and fucking horrible process….

    Does anyone who does poodle on a regular basis or other sniffed rugs get regular sinus infections?

    I’ve been getting bad bad pain over the last year on and off, i’ve got it now and it’s really really bad, so bad it feels like someone has smacked me in the face with a brick. 😥

    my left nostril seems to have lost the taste for drugs 90%!!! when i use my right, which i find incredibly hard i can taste it loads (only good for cocaine)

    yer my nose is fucked due to sniffin k too much lol everyting i sniff jus flies right to the back of my throut these days. my right-hand nostril doesnt even breath properly so i have to use the left won every time

    Do you both get sinus troubles though, As in infections, that sort of thing?

    I always carry around shit loads of bog roll!

    I tell ya i hope the doc can sort me out something on Thursday. This ain’t a nice pain at all.

    never had no infections, fair amount of blood though…

    @General Lighting 368787 wrote:

    this was tried before by the Yanks 20 years ago in some countries. it has the nasty consequences it kills all good plants like those what produce grain, fruit and vegetables as well. Then some of the innocent folks starve, and those what do not get extremely pissed off with the “invaders” and then they feel they have nothing to lose from committing more acts of terrorism.

    Also in these countries where the stuff is grown I can understand farmers wanting to grow it to sell, I would if it meant I had more money in my pocket to look after my family.

    Its not like they can get a nice easy office job to provide and I can imagine they will make a lot more money growing opium or what ever tehy choose

    I get problems from sniffing Meow/Drone but nor from Coke.






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?