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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • evel, evil drug. yet still by far the best drug for sex.

    Somebody please help me, I found a baggy of 7 white rocks on my kitchen counter, all uneven shapes (cubes) and im pretty sure it’s crack but i need help to make sure.

    I tasted it and it tastes like sugar which is unusal (or a framilar candy but i cant pinpoint it). The rocks are somewhat hard but when i bit a peice of it broke off easily like it was a soft material. Its not snow white, its a off white colour that almost looks like its see through (but its not) (a light cremish colour but mostly white).

    In the bag their are also 3 smaller brown things. They are a soft material, and are multicoloured, dark brown, light brown, gold.

    It looks very easy to crumble. I tried bitting a little peice off of both substances and rubbing it on my tongue but my mouth did not go numb.

    Their is no powder at the botom of the bag. somebody please tell me are these drugs? feel free to ask for more information.

    would it be that likely that someone left crack in your kitchen?

    smoke it? you’d prob know then

    thats what i was thinking. I only live with my Dad and last night he was out really late with friends, Im not gonna smoke it tho, sorry.

    was being sarcastic about smoking it – sos, poor humour!!

    ask yer dad? or arnt you able to?

    I want to ask him but im afraid what if its not crack. Also im really nervous about this cause normally its not the son comfronting the parents about drugs. He would be the LAST person i would expect to do drugs.

    @blazedcanadian 375202 wrote:

    I want to ask him but im afraid what if its not crack. Also im really nervous about this cause normally its not the son comfronting the parents about drugs. He would be the LAST person i would expect to do drugs.


    if you’d not imagine him to do crack maybe it is something else…..

    mad idea: it couldnt be a kind of fudge maybe? especially as you say its very sweet

    Flush it down the toilet and be done with it.

    unfortuntly my camera is broken right now. 🙁
    About the fudge theory, the rocks are somewhat small and the brown things even smaller, if it were fudge their would be more. I would imagine. Any other ways to tell if its crack? Besides smoking it?

    It may not help much but here are some pics:

    crack cocaine pictures – Google Search

    yeah ive looked at all those pictures, none are identical but i guess if i were to choose which one it looks like the most it would be the first picture. Although the stuff I have has more of a greyish tinge than a yellow tinge

    Also it doesent look as solid as any of those pictures

    Show us some pictures…

    ok ill go take some pics with my phone, its the only camera i got.






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?