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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • Super strong painkiller, much nicer than morphine.

    Not just porn stars, strippers, hookers… pretty much the whole sex market.

    got given some nice coke at the weekend for the first time in aggeeesss. One tiny little linr and the whole left side of my face went numb, and thats with me having been caining ket all day.

    @Twyford 382465 wrote:

    I just think that it is pretty hard to mistake a young (any race) girl as a prostitute… unless she dressed in that way.

    Really UK streets are that clean? No random creeps ever harass any attractive looking girl walking around alone late at night? Because I’ve been to many big cities in North America… even in Europe… and attractive girls get harassed everywhere, especially if they are walking alone late at night.

    the Asian girl wasn’t wandering around that late, early evening at most!

    in this town random creeps either get warned by cops or nicked or other blokes take matters into their own hands and beat the shit out of them.

    The UK does have a lot of CCTV cameras and patrolling cops at night, and there are still remnants of the British “stiff upper lip” so strangers tend not to talk to one another anyway unless they are drunk or high (where it often leads to misunderstandings and in some cases even violence).

    @Buzz 384757 wrote:

    got given some nice coke at the weekend for the first time in aggeeesss. One tiny little linr and the whole left side of my face went numb, and thats with me having been caining ket all day.

    Sounds like shit K :laugh_at:

    hahahaha daft not quite!

    @DaftFader 388848 wrote:

    Sounds like shit K :laugh_at:

    What sounds like shit k?

    the coke that made my face go numb…..except that doesnt make sense cos ket is a general not local.

    @Buzz 388871 wrote:

    the coke that made my face go numb…..except that doesnt make sense cos ket is a general not local.

    That reminds me of Blow

    Blow? as in the film?

    @Buzz 388879 wrote:

    Blow? as in the film?

    yeah 🙂 “I can’t feel my face… I mean, I can touch it, but I can’t feel it “

    wow, only just read the first post in this thread properly. The crack report is beautifully written and sums it up perfectly. I miss it so much 🙁

    @SuperNeil 389930 wrote:

    wow, only just read the first post in this thread properly. The crack report is beautifully written and sums it up perfectly. I miss it so much 🙁

    can never ever see the apeal of crack

    Coc should be rock not powder

    This is really a nice piece of knowledge. Now before consuming anything, I’d rather look for what I would take in.






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?