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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • @ahoff1 415467 wrote:

    Goed te zien dat er nog andere Nederlanders (/Belgen) op dit forum zijn.

    ik ben geen Nederlander, ik ben Engels maar ik probeer Nederlands te leren (niet alleen voor drugs), ik vind het Nederlandse taal, kunst en cultuur interessant 🙂

    In Holland there are testcenters for testing the cocaine.
    Most of the time cocaine is just between 16 and 25%. So that’s very shit.
    Now I have 3 places where I can buy and I have tested it all.
    40 euro for 0.87gram was tested for 23%. White powder.
    55 euro for 0.9gram was tested for 35%. Fingers.
    65 euro for 1 full gram was tested for 82%. Rock of with powder that is sparkling of crystal.

    Well… normally, nobody wants to pay 65 euro… but I pay for it. It really rocks! 😛
    Still have 3 grams for next weekend :). It’s to much for my own. Who wants to join? 😛

    Nailed this at football before and mixing it with lager just gets you buzzing and game for anything..
    had it at partys and makes me zone out and i dont listen to anyone then just do my own thing!

    Honestly prefer ket to this. Although the £100 a g stuff going around (loads where I live) is ment to be top-notch and still want to try it.

    All in all though cokes over-rated and fucks people right up, seen it all happen too many times and for that reason I’ll never buy it… but I wont not have any 😛 haha

    @pvfc 418603 wrote:

    Honestly prefer ket to this. Although the £100 a g stuff going around (loads where I live) is ment to be top-notch and still want to try it.

    It’s 50 quid a g round here for the good stuff. Not that I’m boasting or anything, That stuff is bad news mate. :crazy_diz

    how does coke get so expensive yet the good drugs (lsd,mdma) are like £5 or cheaper per tab/pill?

    @LysergicAcid 418643 wrote:

    how does coke get so expensive yet the good drugs (lsd,mdma) are like £5 or cheaper per tab/pill?

    Pills ain’t that cheap anymore, least not for the good ones. Pingers round here (decent ones btw) are a tenner each! :crazy_dru

    i remember i used to pay 10’s for pills. then some times they would be crap ones but most the time they where good and same for paying 5, for me the quality was always the same.

    but even paying £10 is better then coke that does not last half as long as just one tablet at more then double the price… coke dealers get away with selling it so expensive. i have been paying 100 euros for a gram but of very good coke.

    makes your nose all filled with snot and blocked for weeks.. is annoying and for a night of coke i need at least 2 grams though any more and my nose gets so blocked i cant snort any more no matter how much i try blow it and un block it lol

    I’ve had to stop doing the old nose bag. It did me no favours at all. You know you have to stop doing it when you can’t remember anything from the night before. Has happened twice now so it had to go lol! :hopeless:

    lol on coke? even doing lines every 5 seconds i never blanked out enough to forget the night, where you mixing or drinking with the coke?

    If it’s mr midget booze would have been consumed.

    u should cut out the booze sir cliff!

    @LysergicAcid 418648 wrote:

    lol on coke? even doing lines every 5 seconds i never blanked out enough to forget the night, where you mixing or drinking with the coke?

    Oh yeah that’s when it’s mixed with booze. I’d drink non stop on the old Peruvian. Hence the blank nights. Had to go mate

    @p0ly 418832 wrote:

    If it’s mr midget booze would have been consumed.

    And then some.

    @DaftFader 418837 wrote:

    u should cut out the booze sir cliff!

    I’m working on it mate! 😉

    yeah i did that some times on the come down so i could sleep but never during the coke high

    tbh i would never sniff coke without having a few pints first then drink and sniff like fuck! if you do enough its better than mdma imo cant stop talkin and movin nd actually lasts more than 45 mins after 3gs and a shitloada pints and after my last line i was coked for maybe 2 hours lol i nly ever would of got 30-40% coke but it was better than any other stuff goin about, i actually had to travel to get it 40 quid a g r 3 for 100






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?