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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • i dun rate it at all spesh for that price, jus makes me a bit wide eyed n i find myself sayin things that’d id neva say in any other situation, a bit cocky n blunt wit people, not my cuppa tea like

    Al-Pacino in scar face…. that was my excuse to do coke back in 9 6 (how dull is that?!)

    Personally, i think cocaine is way too hyped up!! especially to the new generation…..Although the trend setters would disagree…nearly every music scene has their sniffering crowd now…Its a waste of money for an experience that u can well do without in life…


    raj wrote:
    i second that :bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl:bounce_fl

    nail on the head there, i happily dish out mud but when you have a bit of ticket u find yourself nippin off all to often, which is why i dis like it.

    Earlier on in this thread I posted that my BF stays off the snow for my benefit, as I used to have a problem with it…

    Well. He’s done it a couple of times since then, we found a wrap of coke at Glade and the free buzz was too much for him to resist. I found it extremely hard to watch him, and he’s such an asshole on it, he gets real possessive and horrible, I’m not allowed to talk to anyone else and believe me, he is so not like that otherwise.

    I’m a happy sociable pill-head and it really trashes my good buzz when he does coke.

    Coke is the only drug we row about, anyone have any advice? I feel I’ve been so strong to stay off it, and the people I mix with are always caning the coke now… They never used to be like that and it worries me so much.

    Me and my BF have talked about this at length. I KNOW I can only control my own actions, but how do I handle my boyfriend if he’s done coke and becomes an embarassing pain in the arse?

    Also, why does everyone say how crap coke is and they still do it?

    :hopeless: I hate coke and what it does to my mates… 😥


    i am with you 100% – i hate what coke does to my mates too

    TBH you have to decide whether you think your BF is going to stop doing coke or not ; also whether you are going to stay with him if he continues to do it or not?

    you say the people around you are all doing coke now – how did this happen fanfairy? did one person start and slowly involve others or did you change social groups without really intending to?

    its gonna be a tough issue for you and at the end of the day it is going to boil down to whether or not you can handle going out with someone who is doing coke if he does not give it up

    [if he doesnt believe how different he is on coke maybe you could get him to let you film him and make him watch the result? its possible he is unaware of what he is like on it?]

    we are here if you need us


    raj wrote:

    you say the people around you are all doing coke now – how did this happen fanfairy? did one person start and slowly involve others or did you change social groups without really intending to?

    [if he doesnt believe how different he is on coke maybe you could get him to let you film him and make him watch the result? its possible he is unaware of what he is like on it?]

    we are here if you need us


    Me and my BF did have a big talk about the coke thing. I really don’t have a problem with the actual coke-taking… I know from my rehab days that you can’t control what other people do. What I do object to is when he does it, it makes him bad to me. (Thoughtless, insensitive, selfish, slightly agressive, possessive, paranoid, you know the drill!) In no way is he an addict, he never buys it – trouble is all our mates always have some and he hasn’t been able to resist a free line… well, we’ve had our big talk now so I just have to wait and see.

    As for the rest of my mates, well as far as I know one person really did kick off the coke thing, then everybody else started getting a bee in their bonnet about it… This has more or less happened within the last year. Like I said, everyone has to make their own choice and I’ve even helped them get some when supplies were short!

    However now I feel like everyone is thinking I’m a killjoy because I don’t like my BF doing it, and because I had a problem with it myself. They don’t realise that it’s because I hate him on it!

    As for filming my BF when he’s on it, that’s a great idea! Although after the talk we’ve had, I would be extremely disappointed in him if he goes back on his word this time. As I say, I accept I’ve no control over what he does – and I am trying to detach from it – but out of respect to me I would hope he keeps his word this time.

    Thanks for your support Raj… It’s much appreciated! :bigsmile:

    i hope he sticks to his word Fanfairy :love:

    and never be afraid to say what you know is right just because they dont want to hear it – say it to them once and move on to people who value you for who you are :love::love::love:

    They dont like to hear what you are saying because it challenges their basic assumptions based on which they live their lives. To admit you were right would be to accept that they most likely behave in the same way that you dislike your boyfriend doing. They would have to take a long hard look at themselves and they will most likely not like what they see [and they know this even if they dont want to admit it]. It is far more comfortable to keep their heads buried in their bums and pretend that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing.

    Until they are ready to realise they have a problem there will be no progress on the issue and they may treat you with hostility when you say things they dont want to hear.:hopeless:

    we are here if you need us
    take good care of yourself and treat yourself with kindness


    raj wrote:
    Until they are ready to realise they have a problem there will be no progress on the issue and they may treat you with hostility when you say things they dont want to hear.:hopeless:

    You’re right – I’ve given them all the lectures now so I’m just going to shut up and let them get on with it. I love my friends so much – they are lovely after all! If they do develop problems, I’ll be here when they need me.


    good luck fanfairy


    I think the trend towards coke is happening everywhere (TBH if I wasn’t a bit older and (supposedly) more sensible and I now have a mortgage etc I would be buying it)

    people are still drawn towards “bling” and looking up to the “gangsta” mentality even on the rave scene; particularly the sort who are involved in low-leve l / middle level dealing.

    Also the profits versus risk on other stuff like pills have dropped due to price decreases but although coke is cheaper it is still a high-end high-profit substance.

    I will admit as a shy person its effects have appealed to me.. but at the same time I’ve seen friends go bad from it or get into crack and totally fuck themselves and others up…

    OTOH when I am tempted to do it or even look for it I go and read the crime news on the web instead; all the reports of gangs/shootings etc and think – well that is what my money is also buying; someone else killed and the country becoming less stable each time.. OK that happens with other drugs but I think coke makes it worse for individuals as with your confidence may also come the feeling that its OK to use force/violence…

    i started my day at 6am with a green X box pill and a gram of yayo, and though i am a morning person and i enjoy most everything better in the early part of day, i crash so frickin quick, it seems like when you do something like coke or e pills earlier you unleash a beast that must be fed all day long! also i was wondering what effect putting some coke into a blunt is supposed to have. all my buddies talk shit about how they smoke so many chewy blunts, but when i did it i didn’t notice so much difference.raaa

    Coke generally requires a great temperature to burn it properly. So coke spliff generally do fuck all. To smoke coke you first have to turn it into crack or freebase lowering the temp at which it burns.

    I would say though if you’re taking pills and coke first thing on a wednesday morning, you probably aren’t the type of person suited to experimenting with this drug, as it has fucked up many a young life.:hopeless:

    disgustingly my bf adn I use to smoke alot of coke spliffs, usually at the end of the session. It does no good to your lungs, fucks em up quite nicely, and all u get from it is a bit of a floaty spaced feeling. Noting worth bothering with, Not for the damage it can do anyway.

    Try having some real food for breakfast and save the pills for weekend, or you”ll burn out waytoo young. ur body can only hack so much.

    Look after yourself xxxxxx

    it causes some really nasty damage to your lungs mate

    crystalising all those delicate little blood vessels that you need to BREATHE!!


    missMushed wrote:
    Try having some real food for breakfast and save the pills for weekend, or you”ll burn out waytoo young. ur body can only hack so much.

    Look after yourself xxxxxx

    true. although “back in the day” me and my mates were proper caners some of us did manage to regulate ourselves.

    Those who didn’t now have a season ticket to the doctors and hospital because both their body and mind are trashed, or find that they are just existing rather than living and don’t enjoy anything in life any more…..






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?