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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • of course he will.. im probably the only one on this forum that never drinks booze ;p

    like mdma i would never dream of mixing it with alcohol;.. ever.. just water and some times red bull.. the drug is plenty for me..

    though i have used alcohol on cocaine come downs thats how desperate i have been to pass out.. downing vodka and jack like water and passing out and waking up with head in toilet being sick..

    plus after getting drunk and you do mdma you never come up.. or at least i never did when i got drunk then did E..

    @Partytime 427281 wrote:

    How much was the .6?

    40 quid, straight up the nose cos i’ve decided to be different now

    In the last 10 years the goverment has invested a lot of money into drug treatment and drug research.
    Some years ago scientists discovered that mixing cocaine and alchohol caused a third drug to be produced in the body called cocaethylene.
    cocaethylene causes a lot more damage to the liver than alchohol alone.
    I know exactly how bad alchohol abuse is for the liver a friend of mine had been sober for 3 years relapsed and after 6 months of drinking he died from liver failure.
    It was a doctor friend of mine who specializes in addiction that made me aware of the affects of cocaethylene he described the affect on the liver as “devastating”
    I always thought of a few lines of cocaine and some champagne as harmless oh how wrong i was.
    So while a few lines of sniff and few drinks my be very socially acceptable to the under 30’s i somehow doubt turning yellow from jaundice at 50 is.
    I hope through my years of partying i havent done too much damage to my my mind, body and soul.
    At least now when i hear a teenager telling me oh cocaine and champagne is really cool, everyone does it and its quite harmless i have the knowledge and the facts to tell them different.

    This is a copy/paste of an article i wrote about 8 years ago for a newsletter while working as a drugs worker
    You got the facts now people knowledge is power 🙂

    This question has prob been answered b4, but y is coke also known as Chang?

    yes i think so..

    how was the coke party time? did you like it?

    @LysergicAcid 427722 wrote:

    yes i think so..

    how was the coke party time? did you like it?

    Y is it called chang?

    I didn’t do it. 🙂 I’m 30 odd, if I ain’t don’t it so far, I don’t need to do it. Lol. I’m gona find a good supply of E’s… That’s my drug of choice.

    i have no idea.. ive never called it that just other ppl here do… not sure why, maybe they can tell us why.

    E’s? good choice! the come downs become un bearable though for me. its off putting

    Drug of choice.. LSD and more LSD 😀 and some times valium

    so what did you do with the 1g you had?

    @LysergicAcid 427728 wrote:

    so what did you do with the 1g you had?

    Nufink. I still got it. Lol

    @Partytime 427734 wrote:

    Nufink. I still got it. Lol

    lol fair enough. your not missing out on much any way. E is much better then coke

    I found where ‘chang’ comes from…
    to ‘chill’ and ‘hang’ at the same time = Chang. 🙂

    i see but what does chilling and hanging got to do with cocaine..?

    Lol. No idea. Maybe sum1 can enlighten us?

    i thought people said ching….

    different names for different area codes innit

    @p0ly 427743 wrote:

    i thought people said ching….

    Apparently it’s called ‘ching’ coz that’s the sound a cash register makes… 🙂
    But u r right, it’s also called ching.






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?