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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • General Lighting wrote:
    true. although “back in the day” me and my mates were proper caners some of us did manage to regulate ourselves.

    Those who didn’t now have a season ticket to the doctors and hospital because both their body and mind are trashed, or find that they are just existing rather than living and don’t enjoy anything in life any more…..

    know what u mean, when i started takin rugs, the people who i would get fucked with, were mainly guys who had to take more than the next guy kinda thing, no worries of “regulating” so joined in being a bit of a tom-boy, and proved to them girls can cane it just as hard. Thing is, pills, fine, Mud-fine. coke….well thats a different story. It completely took me n BF over, although it had already taken him over long b4 i met him. Spent 2 years with my life revolving around getting coke, snorting coke an selling coke to get more coke!!! Went through a harsh time, got full blow psychosis the lot, but decided enough was enough, and over a year managed to stop doing it. I think alot is down to personality type, some people just dont have the capability to cane drugs, some do and will for a long time.

    Havnt done rugs for a long time now, due to baby, and think this will keep up, id like to think that on my 40th, if i wanna take a pill, or have a line, i can without worrying about health. Moderation for me is def the solution! Ive learnt my lesson and i learnt the hard way. (and i dont like seeing other go down the same road….often have to stop myself from sounding like someones parent!..although in i guess now i am! still dont wanna become my mum!)

    the rev wrote:
    Coke generally requires a great temperature to burn it properly. So coke spliff generally do fuck all. To smoke coke you first have to turn it into crack or freebase lowering the temp at which it burns.

    Spot on there it dus nothing!! any smoke which wud of had any effect on u is gone well before it hits ur mouth its a very expensive waste of money, the only way to smoke cocaine is to crystallize it into crack which is also a very very dangerous waste of money..

    On the other note in this thread i also use to cane lots of everything far too all the way thru the week and weekends not having alot of time off really for about 6 odd years its now coming up to a year ive had nothing and i think i burnt out early but hopefully like was just sed i do hope to be able to have a little on special occasions in the future without fcking my hed up any more cos i totally agree its all about Moderation and being able to Moderate very addictive drugs without letting them get a hold of u.

    missMushed wrote:
    know what u mean, when i started takin rugs, the people who i would get fucked with, were mainly guys who had to take more than the next guy kinda thing, no worries of “regulating” so joined in being a bit of a tom-boy, and proved to them girls can cane it just as hard. Thing is, pills, fine, Mud-fine. coke….well thats a different story. It completely took me n BF over, although it had already taken him over long b4 i met him. Spent 2 years with my life revolving around getting coke, snorting coke an selling coke to get more coke!!! Went through a harsh time, got full blow psychosis the lot, but decided enough was enough, and over a year managed to stop doing it. I think alot is down to personality type, some people just dont have the capability to cane drugs, some do and will for a long time.

    Havnt done rugs for a long time now, due to baby, and think this will keep up, id like to think that on my 40th, if i wanna take a pill, or have a line, i can without worrying about health. Moderation for me is def the solution! Ive learnt my lesson and i learnt the hard way. (and i dont like seeing other go down the same road….often have to stop myself from sounding like someones parent!..although in i guess now i am! still dont wanna become my mum!)

    Fairplay to you for giving up raaa and total respect for thinking of your kid like that i know too many people that are far too easy going with durgs and kids its not so much the state tere in(which isnt a good thing)more the possability of the kids eatin whatever they might have :you_crazy and i agree with whoever said”smoking coke in a joints a waste of money”

    incidentally – this is something that applies more to the British people on here – but it may also be true in countries with a public health service and maybe even America …

    the moment you end up seeking medical advice from your doctor or end up in hospital because of excessive drugs use; they are now obliged to notify this to some central register.

    This is fairly recent because it was in a new-ish list of drugs and prescribing guidelines (I have read this book before and this bit wasn’t in there).

    Although the data gets anonymised (names removed) it means that the NHS is increasingly aware of the problems and the costs of treating drug use. The numbers of drug users in any particular region are shared with the Police and other agencies; and this is used to shape their actions in the region which can range from harm reduction (reasonable advice) to demand reduction (people getting nicked).

    To this gets added the numbers of people who are nicked either for posession or for crime committed to fund habits.

    To put it bluntly the more that people fuck themseves over from overdoing the drugs, the more justification the nanny state finds to clamp down on us..

    Check it!:groucho:

    Probably just packed with so much caffine it makes you buzz

    i say BRING IT ON!
    it wont catch though!
    cos its too easy a way to get mashed!

    Just take a shit load of pro-plus. It’d be a lot cheaper. Of failing that get an original can of coke cause that did contain the real thing.
    :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl

    i went to the dr to ask for herlp, i was proper messed up at the time, and all she said was to go to a counciller, and offered me sleeping tablets, that made me sick!

    It wasnt until i read a book called “a million little pieces” which is about a guy who gets off drugs by his own will after being in rehab and finding the system bullshit, that gave me the confidance to do it on my own! My bf then followed suit!

    i know far too many people who are living off the benefit system getting more than the usual JSA and housing benefit and new flats to boot, because they have sick notes from the drs excusing them from working because they take too many drugs…..and can’t possibly work…….yet another cost the tax payer incurrs from drug abuse, and another reason they will use as GL said ” the more justification the nanny state finds to clamp down on us..”

    “Although it doesn’t contain any real cocaine, an ingredient has been added to numb the throat, just like the real thing.”


    bizarre – germolene in cans anyone?

    Twistedteknohed wrote:
    the rev wrote:
    Coke generally requires a great temperature to burn it properly. So coke spliff generally do fuck all. To smoke coke you first have to turn it into crack or freebase lowering the temp at which it burns.

    Spot on there it dus nothing!! any smoke which wud of had any effect on u is gone well before it hits ur mouth its a very expensive waste of money, the only way to smoke cocaine is to crystallize it into crack which is also a very very dangerous waste of money..

    On the other note in this thread i also use to cane lots of everything far too all the way thru the week and weekends not having alot of time off really for about 6 odd years its now coming up to a year ive had nothing and i think i burnt out early but hopefully like was just sed i do hope to be able to have a little on special occasions in the future without fcking my hed up any more cos i totally agree its all about Moderation and being able to Moderate very addictive drugs without letting them get a hold of u.

    Oh so true matey. Smoking peas and barley in a spliff is a complete waste of time and money cause it does absolutely fuck all. On the other hand smoking crack is a sure fire way of achieving insanity and ending up with an ailment known as ‘crack lung’. Ahhhhhh very very nasty. Been there got the tee shirt and wouldn’t touch a piece of that shit if it was put on a pipe right in front of me.:toxic:

    raj wrote:
    bizarre – germolene in cans anyone?

    Pink or white??

    Agent Subby wrote:
    Twistedteknohed wrote:
    wouldn’t touch a piece of that shit if it was put on a pipe right in front of me.:toxic:

    good for yoU!

    missMushed wrote:
    Agent Subby wrote:

    good for yoU!

    Thanks babs. BTW how long to go?:wink:

    Agent Subby wrote:
    missMushed wrote:
    Thanks babs. BTW how long to go?:wink:

    im due a week tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ive been talking to her tonight, trying to coax her out, even tried bribery! Not workin tho! lol






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?